Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Baseball Field?

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Hey everyone! I come bearing gifts. A plethora of them. New, extra long chapter, and artwork! Yaaaaay me...*cries from the sheer number of hours of my life I lost*

This was a really hard chapter. I think I will just have to do like "part one", "part two" or something in the future if the chapter is this long. Cause it wrecks my will to work if it's in too big of segments. Also, it was just a hard chapter anyways. I rewrote/edited the reveal scene like twenty times alone. ;^;

But aaaanyways! Artwork. Yes. I actually commissioned a friend of mine to do lineart of Deku and Danny for the cover of the story! Then I went ahead and did the coloring. Also I have a rough sketch of fentonworks (for vague reference to help people picture), and a Character Card for Kamada!

google search these key terms to find!

Kamada Character Card:

deviantart weshney kamada

Linework Artist:

deviantart venussempai

He also does cosplay!

shouganeko on instagram

And if you want to support him after life screwed him over, he can also be found at


"Tea wa dokodesu ka?" [Where is the tea?] For scenes from an English character's POV that does not understand Japanese except for any words shown in bold, which may be none. The bracketed translation is for the audience.

"This sentence is in Japanese but has English words mixed into it." This is for when the scene has Japanese being translated in real time, but there are word that are in English as well because the English speaker doesn't know the words in Japanese.

If a scene is being translated the entire time, and there are no language issues anywhere in an entire scene because of a translation device, the scene will just be written as normal. But you know who speaks what. I believe in you.


Sunday, September 9th,

9:40 am

-One Day Prior AKA The Day of the Kidnapping-

Sry Im late. Ghost attack. Sending dup ahead.

Tucker just stretched in an armchair, more than happy to keep scrolling through memes while he waited. It didn't really matter that Danny was late, anyway; it wasn't like Julien was here either.

The theme to Ratatouille interrupted the thought and the boy unwedged his phone from between the seat cushion and the armrest.

"Hey Frenchie. Don't worry, Danny's late too."

"Um, so⟨rr⟩y, but d'at is not why I am calling. D'e⟨r⟩e is a girl 'e⟨r⟩e d'at is upset and needs 'elp, but I can't unde⟨r⟩stand 'e⟨r⟩ well."

"Does she not speak English?" Tucker shot back, interested in his presentation-mate's plight. It wasn't like he really cared about Biochemistry anyway.

"Ah, no, you misunde⟨r⟩stand. She is speaking English. I 'ea⟨r⟩ some words. But 'e⟨r⟩ accent is as bad as mine."

Tucker nearly laughed at the imagined scenario, but controlled his voice as he responded, "I'll head over in a bit. Where are you at?"

"By the baseball fields. Please 'u⟨rr⟩y; she won't stop c⟨r⟩ying. I think she's been 'e⟨r⟩e a couple 'ou⟨r⟩s." Julien's plea carried more than a little stress.

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