The Real Villain: English

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I am still looking for help with the MHA side of things, so please let me know if you are interested in helping me keep details straight! I am definitely taking a lot longer just trying to go over things enough times to catch errors.

Please review! Most of my friends aren't ultra interested in my story, so I can't gush with them over it. hahaha

All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

Tuesday, September 4th

2:03 pm

A loose patch of leaves exploded into the air, disrupted by an unseen force. A depression stayed in the pine needles and acorns beneath the oak's molt, clearly still affected by some invisible presence.

The air above the tree litter grunted, as if winded by an impact; then the needles and acorns sprang back up, and two much-smaller divots formed shoulder-width apart.

The forest held its breath, the wildlife silent as the grave.

Nearly a dozen feet above the disturbance, a paranormal force receded into itself. The viridescent haze that had caught in its eddy faded back out of existence and disappeared without a sound.

A tense minute passed, only the worms and insects daring to continue about their daily lives, especially with the sounds of breaking branches and indistinct yelling in the distance.

Tuesday, September 4th

2:35 pm

Dani had searched for her life's purpose for several years after her creation. No matter how welcome she was at the Fenton's, nor how close she had become to Val while training under the woman's Red Huntress pseudonym, a monster with great gaping teeth and gangly clawed limbs had gnawed at her.


She'd craved a sense of belonging brought on by those in similar circumstances.

Over a year ago, Kitty suggested the halfa visit the Lost Holm, a place the full ghost had been in and out of before she met Johnny. Dani had been dismissive of the idea at first.

Despite her origins, the clone was very well adjusted. So suggesting she needed some kind of support group that seemed entirely too much like Alcoholics Anonymous was kind of insulting. Okay, yeah. So maybe it wasn't all that much like AA, from what she'd heard. But it was the principle of the matter.

The look of melancholy understanding Kitty had given her, coupled with a complete change of subject, had the young teen rethinking her options.

One visit was all it had taken. Her heart was caught as surely as a shade in a patch of Undergrowth's Devil's Snare. Now she played mom to a bunch of misfit, newly-formed ghosts struggling to come to terms with their existence.

It was taxing; and interacting with her "kids" could give her a headache or chip at her patience on the best of days. She also had to give up most of her free time on Earth. But she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Then, five days ago, when her newest charge—no, family member—had started appearing a little fuzzy around the edges, she had been more of a hen mother than a den mother. Flustered and overbearing, the teen had done everything in her power to make sure Luke got better.

But then the much older Jessica had started acting strange. And Caleb. Even the Gardener (who only ever seemed to come to meetings to fawn over some Zone-native variety of flower) was having issues with his flight.

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