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Everybody had once again settled down in their seats, Regulus was back between her boyfriend and son, her best friends sat at her feet. Some people had brought snacks and drinks back to where they were sitting to enjoy while watching the movies.

The screen once again filled the hall with light.

6th January 1980.

A group of three men were shown, black eyebags beneath their eye sockets. The men were older versions of Rabastan, Evan and Barty, they were stood, heads bowed slightly, at the back of a group of people.

The same people from when Regulus was given her mission.

Regulus burrowed into her boyfriends side, hands carding through the hair of the two boys sat at her feet.

"We have been betrayed by one closest to us." The voice of the Dark Lord Voldemort started, he somehow looked even less human than one week before. The skin on his face hugged his cheek bones, lips now flushed with a periwinkle tone, eyes a grotesque red colour that reflected the blood he had spilled.

"Regulus Black not only failed her mission to assassinate the Potter and Longbottom families, no, she also informed them of said mission and as result the two blood traitorous families have gone into hiding." He informed the group, earning some silent sounds of outrage in response.

The three men looked down, the people around them thinking it was an act of shame for their association with the youngest Black, only Rab, Evan and Barty would know it was a show of pain, after three days of their beloved friend and partner in crime had been missing they knew she would not be returning.

The, hardly-human, male continued. "I have seen to her punishment myself, as of the thirty-first of December Regulus Black is dead." He said maliciously.


"No you didn't!"

Were some of the reactions from the halls mass, the followers of said Dark Lord were in outrage that the man they followed, looked up to even, had blatantly lied to their faces.

The scene changed once again.

A beautiful manor was shown, white brick walls graying with age had vines of ivy covering them, pointy turrets made up of black slates sat proudly upon the mansion looking out on the surrounding gardens, which housed a dozen regal, roaming, platinum peacocks. The breathtaking house had fences of bushes, shaped to perfection, lining the wide walkway which led to a tall, polished gate.

Those from the Malloy family sat up straighter than before, proud of all the awed faces of those around them.

"You really do have a wonderful home Abraxas" Commented Delilah Selwyn to her old classmate.

"Thank you Delilah but I must give the praise to my wife, Lysistrata is the one who takes the most care of the grounds." Lord Malfoy replied, Lys smiling before pecking her husband on the cheek.

The scene followed a beautiful owl to one of the many black framed windows, it perched on the window ledge before tapping its beak lightly on the glass. A house elf unlocked it before taking the mail from the owls clawed foot, feeding it an owl treat.

"Pip is thanking you, Axl." Pip, the elf, said before the bird shook its feathers and took off once more, Pippa left with a pop landing in the sitting room in front of a three month pregnant Narcissa Malfoy.

Squeeling, Clarity Selwyn (soon to be Greengrass) turned to her best friend, squeezing her tightly, gushing over how beautiful she looked and how she 'must be the godmother of your son!'

Narcissa nodded hugging her back, happy to see her best friend so exited for her.

"Mistress Narcissa, Pip has the Daily Prophet  for you as well as some letters." The young elf handed them to the woman who was sat on one of the green leather couches, cup and saucer placed on the wooden end table.

"Thank you, Pip." She replied, the elf leaving the room with a quiet pop, the woman looked down at the days headline, brows furrowing and alarm swirling in her grey eyes.

The scene moved to show the newspaper.

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770 words.
Hello Loves,

This is a very short chapter as my laptop broke so I had to write this on my IPad, but I don't like writing on it *crying*

Anyway, you have no idea how long it took me to make that newspaper article. It was my first time using Google Docks so I let it slide.

I hope you are happy and hydrated (I forgot to drink water most of the day)


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