Chapter 10

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I woke up to to see myself staring back at a wall? I blinked again my vision clearing up. It was a ceiling.

Why did my damn head hurt so much? I questioned myself as a roaring pain broke through my skull. I could hear muffled talking but my head ignored it as it was currently focusing on the crazy ache in my head. It felt as if someone struck a sword through it.

I got up groaning loudly as I gripped onto the sheets for leverage. I sat up on my bed as I looked around the room I was currently in.

It was my room. The same room I had lived in for almost my whole life. Yet I couldn't recognize a single thing in it.

I touched the back of my head where there was a bandage wrapped. Weird. I don't know how I got that.

Sunlight was pouring through the large window in front my bed as the drapes were pushed to the side. A maid who was wiping my window clean turned her head around at the sound of my awaking and gasped. She dropped her rag and quickly rushed out of the room.

"You're awake" I felt a hand wrap around the side of my waist as Enola snuggled up into my body. I kissed the top of her head.

"What happened?" I asked her because I could literally not remember how I could've gotten into this state.

All I remembered was it was the night of the gala. Me and Enola had snuck out and we had both fallen into the huge silver fountain out in the garden. We had a huge splash war.

The last thing I remember was me kissing Enola as she giggled and splashed more water on me.

"Well we were out in the fountain and you had just asked me if there was a possibility we would ever marry when a man attacked us."


"What was your answer?" I asked her confused.

"What?" Enola asked me giving me a confused expression which made me even more confused.

"Did you say yes to ever marrying me?" I asked her.

"Seriously? You just passed out from a man attacking you and all you care about is if I ever want to marry you?" Enola said speaking very fast in a very disbelieving voice.

"Uh" I made out with my voice, not knowing what to say next. I turned my head not looking at her. She was saying it like it was a bad thing.

Next to me, Enola was smiling so hard I could see it from the corner of my eye. I was about to turn my head and smile back when she launched her arms around me as I fell onto my back. Enola was on top of me.

She laughed and gave me kisses all over my face and neck.

I let out a deep laugh but stopped midway as I heard a knock on the door.

Awkwardly, Enola got up from her position which was on top of me. She got away from the bed as she quickly fixed her hair.

"Come in" I spoke as the door opened and my mother walked in with a worried expression all over her face.

Oh no.

My mother was gonna embarrass me by fussing over me right in from of Enola. Bloody hell.

  "My dear boy, oh you're finally awake! Margaret go fetch some soup my boy must be tired and weak from his sleep! Oh I've been so worried Tewkesbury! How dare you give me such a fright especially at my age! But dear god this wonderful lady of yours did not move a single inch while you were asleep" My mother gestured to Enola as she ranted on and on.

Apparently I've been unconscious for over 3 days. The doctors had told my mom I could never wake up again so my mother had been losing her mind these past few days without me.

My mother grabbed my cheeks and gave me kisses on the sides of my face. Without warning she shoved a hot spoonful of hot soup down my throat.

I coughed at the fright as the soup burned my tongue. "Mom!" I shouted. "Calm down, I'm fine mother"

I could see Enola giggling silently out of the corner of my vision.

I sighed. "I'm fine, I just want some space because I have a killer headache and I just want to rest again" I explained to my mother.

My mother was surprisingly understanding she kissed my cheek and bid me a good sleep.

She shooed the servants out of the room as she walked out last and closed the door behind her. "I guess it's just the two of us" Enola said as she closed the drapes blocking the sun from getting into my eyes. Thank god.

She walked over to the side of my bed and got into bed. She wrapped the covers over us both. She moved her body so it was facing me. I turned my body as well.

I was staring into her eyes and she was staring into mine. "You don't know how scared I was for you" she  whispered after a couple of moments.

"I know" I said as I let our a deep breath and brought my hand up to her ear, moving some of her hair behind it.

"It's all my fault. It's my fault you're hurt, I'm so sorry I-" she exclaimed

"Don't apologize" I cut her off as I gave her a kiss on the lips. "Let's just sleep?" I asked her.

She nodded her head silently. I wiggled my body closer. I grabbed her waist practically pulling her on top of me.

She nuzzled her head into my chest. I could feel her deep breathing slow down as she fell asleep.

Yet I lay awake thinking of only her. Even though she was right next to me. All I could think about was her.


Yayyyy!! We're 10 chapters in!!! Don't be a ghost reader!! Make sure to vote so I can continue updating chapters for you guys!!! Also if you guys have any ideas at all for this book pls dm me privately! I would love to hear some suggestions! Also I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday! I was extremely busy!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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