Chapter 6

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"I suppose I could go" I told Tewkesbury.

For a bit of context, Tewkesbury's mother had invited me to a 5 day visit at Basilweather Hall.

I accepted because I wouldn't say no to my future mother in law right? Maybe I could bond with her there and get her to like me.

I had only visited Basilweather Hall two times. I must say the last time I visited it was definitely not pleasant. 

Tewkesbury smiled and gave me a kiss which then progressed to his lips on my cheek, then chin and then the neck.


The carriage ride to Basilweather Hall was quiet and calm.

Me and Tewkesbury just enjoyed each others company and talked to each other about what not. Opportunities like this get me more comfortable with Tewkesbury. I'm able to tell him more things about me that I probably wouldn't tell anyone else.

He tells me things about himself too. That tells me that he's comfortable with being vulnerable around me too.

When the carriage stopped at Basilweather's giant doors. Tewkesbury stepped down and quickly turned to give me his hand. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

I took his hand as I stepped down onto the freshly shaved path. Like I mentioned previously, I've only been here a few times but it's been so long since I returned.

The hall was absolutely breathtaking. It had large white pillars at its extremely large front doors. I looked out to the side where there was a large garden awaiting.

Hundreds of flowers streamed down the neatly trimmed bushes. I could also see a very large water fountain.

On the other side I could see a small house right in front of it were dozens of carriages and automobiles of different types. I could also see a stable for horses.

Wow. It was hard to imagine that Tewkesbury lived in such a large house with all these privileges. You would think that he would've grown up to be a greedy, prideful snob. But he was quite frankly the complete opposite.

Tewkesbury is the kindest man I know. He's so caring and affectionate towards me. He makes me feel like a better person. I love him very dearly.

Tewkesbury chuckled at my astounded expression and my gaping mouth. His chuckle broke me from my thoughts. I hit his side lightly as he broke into a louder laugh.

He smiled at me as he took my hand and kissed it. Three of Basilweather's many butlers came rushing outside as two of them headed straight for the carriage collecting our belongings and taking them up to our rooms for the occasion.

One of the butlers came up to us and bowed to both me and Tewkesbury. "Welcome back my Lord" he said to Tewkesbury and then turned to me "Welcome back Ms. Holmes, please allow me too show you to your rooms. Lady Basilweather is currently out at the moment preparing for the gala but shall arrive back soon.

He then guided us to our rooms. Tewkesbury got to stay in his old bedroom while I was given a room at the at the very end of the hall.

I knew why. Tewkesbury left me at my room while he went back to his to unpack his clothing.

I decided to do the same. I opened up my suitcase but saw a letter on top of my clothing.

What the actual hell. I can get leaving a note on my doorstep because that's pretty harmless but then attacking me at the ball and then breaking into my home just to leave a note in my suitcase? Tewkesbury's wannabe lover was obviously obsessed with me.

I scoffed. I didn't wanna deal with this mysterious stalker. I was here to enjoy myself and take a break from work. There way no way I would let some infatuated lady get in the middle of that. I grabbed the letter and threw it into the trash.

The gala was to be held tomorrow night so I decided to take out my dress and shoes that I had picked for the event. I took my dress down to the lavoir where they ironed my dress to literal perfection. I was so impressed that I couldn't even see a single wrinkle on my dress. They also polished my shoes with great impeccability.

I bought this dress for a very special occasion and now I'm finally going to wear it. It was definitely one of the most beautiful dresses I owned. I hope Tewkesbury would like it.

I smiled at the thought of Tewkesbury and wondered what he was doing right now. Maybe I should go visit him.

I ran down the hall and knocked on his door once. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I knocked one last time. No answer. So I quietly opened the door slowly but found no one to be seen.

But then I heard water coming from the bathroom indicating that Tewkesbury was taking a bath. I sat on the bed waiting for Tewkesbury to finish his bath so we could go for a walk in the garden.

A couple of minutes later the door to the bathroom opened. Steam escaped the room as it evaporated into thin air.

And oh god. Tewkesbury walked out shirtless. Literally wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He was using a smaller towel to dry his hair as he stopped midway as he acknowledged me.

My hands flew to my eyes. But not before I got a good look.

I blushed awfully. I hated that he could see my face right now.

"Uh I-" I stuttered as I shot up from the bed and attempted to try and find my way to the door with my eyes still closed.

"I was just leaving" I said as I struggled to find the door but only found myself knocking my head into a wall. Ow.

Tewkesbury laughed at me as he removed my hands from my eyes. He was standing right in front of me. Still shirtless. Feeling my blush come back 2 times deeper my hands quickly slapped to my face again.

Tewkesbury laughed again but grabbed my sides to show me the way to the door. Oh thank god as mg body finally hit the cold air indicating that I was in the hallway.

I didn't wanna say anything in that room but Tewkesbury was really handsome. I couldn't believe a guy like him would ever love a girl like me.

I mean I didn't even know how to embroider for gods sake.

I leaned against the door as I dwelled on these thoughts. What if Tewkesbury found another woman and left me? I couldn't bear the thought of that.

I would always fight for Tewkesbury because I know that we are meant to be.


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