Chapter 2

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Winter had arrived in London. By this time my business was booming with success. Crowds of people would shower in front of my new and improved workplace location every morning. I would have hundreds of case offerings every week.

I couldn't be more proud of my business. Everything in my life was clicking into place. I was courting the most caring and handsome man in the entire world and I owned a very successful business in London as a young female entrepreneur. Owning a successful business was very hard to achieve in London as a woman.

I am walking to my workplace since it isn't that far from Sherlock's flat which is where I've been staying. Did I mention, it is very early. I wanted a bit of quiet time to myself before the crowd would arrive with their case offerings.

As I made my way to the door, I unlocked it and I was about to step in. Away from the freezing cold. When I saw the corner of a piece of paper peeking from below the front door mat.

I think it's a case offering, but everybody knows to put case offerings in the mailbox I have right in front of my workplace. I even have a huge sign on top of my mailbox specifically for case offerings. So why on Earth would somebody put a case offering here? Unless this wasn't a case offering.

A bit of caution arrived over me as I grabbed the paper from below me. I don't have a good feeling about this. As I opened the letter and read the words it contained. I gasped. Reading down to the last bit of the letter.

I've seen you with him.
He's too good for you.
He's mine. I want him.
If I don't get what I want.
You're gonna get hurt.
Don't be seen with him or else.

The letter wasn't signed. Those were the only words contained in the letter. Shock filled my body followed by anger. They were obviously talking about Tewksbury.

Who the hell does this person think they are? Tewksbury is mine. He's everything to me. I need to find out the hell this person.

What will I tell Tewksbury? This is huge and I obviously can't keep this a secret from Tewksbury. He has a right to know. Yet on the other hand, if I show Tewksbury this letter he won't see me at all just so I won't get hurt.

I don't want to leave Tewksbury. I'm not gonna let some silly letter get in between us. I'll tell him,
just not now.

I am so filled with anger I didn't even notice that I was still standing in front of the door and not the warmth of workplace. So I quickly unlock the door with my keys and made my way to make some tea. I need some tea right now.


"Good afternoon, love" I hear Tewksbury whisper to me as he's hugging me tightly. We're inside his living room. Tewksbury house is lot more private because he lives alone. We were planning on meeting at the park we usually meet up at but today I decided to keep it safe after finding that note.

The next time I see him, I will start to play with fire little by little."What are you doing here? I thought we would meet at the park?" Tewksbury whispers as he interweaves my hand with his guiding me to his couch as we sit down.

"Well I missed you so I decided to get off work early" I smile at him moving my face closer to his so that our faces were nothing but mere inches away.

He instantly smiles back at me looking into my eyes, then my lips. Leaving a small kiss on my lips. He uses his free hand as his other hand is still intertwined with mine to caress my cheek.

"You're cold" he replied feeling my face with his eyes closed and a silly smile playing on his lips. "Help me warm up?" I joked as a response.

He didn't waste a second. He lips crashed into mine. I felt my cheeks instantly warm up. He kissed my lips while I was too surprised to even comprehend what was happening. I didn't mean it like that Tewksbury, but I'm certainly not complaining.

When I finally kissed back, his hand that was previously holding my hand quickly went up to the back of my neck as he brought me to a closer proximity. His other hand was caressing my cheek wildly as he kissed me with passion.

I could feel him smiling against my lips, we quickly parted for a quick breath but his lips returned to mine with haste. After a couple of seconds I felt my lips leave his. As I opened my eyes all I saw was Tewksbury's gorgeous face.

His eyes were closed and a huge smile on his face was present, it felt as if he was enjoying the moment and preserving it into his memories. I could only imagine how red my face was right now.

His face was still dangerously close to mine. Our noses were touching. His hands were on either side of my cheeks now. I hardly noticed he moved them. The only thing I could hear was our heavy breathing.

"There's a ball happening on Saturday" he whispered so softly I didn't quiet hear what he said the first time. "What?" I whispered back. "There's a ball happening on Saturday" he replied still whispering but a little loud so I could hear clearly. I smiled.

"And?" I smirked knowing exactly what he was going to ask next. "I need a date". Finally, this would be our first ball as a proper couple. Me and Tewksbury had started courting a month ago but we didn't have time to announce it to everyone. So this ball would be perfect time to show everyone that we were happily courting.

"Hmmm...I know a couple people, I heard a lady who works near me named Aline needs a date as well". I said leading the joke on. Tewksbury opened his eyes. Staring at them with an emotion I probably wouldn't have been able to tell a year ago, but now I could easily recognize as love.

"Well I was planning to ask the the most sweetest, smartest, funniest, prettiest person I know" his hands left the sides of my cheeks and both of them found their way to mine, he grabbed hold of them and placed them on his lap.

"Who would that be?" I smirked. He didn't reply. He just smiled and brought my hands up to his lips, kissing my knuckles softly.

I am so ready for this ball.

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