Chapter 8

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I had just gotten ready making myself look presentable for the day. Now I was making my way towards the dining room where breakfast was to be served. Or at least that's what one of  the many butlers here informed me.

I walked to the extremely large dining room. It had a long table and a really big chandelier hanging in the middle. Tewkesbury was already there, making conversation with his mother. Butlers were surrounding them to take care of their every need.

  Dozens of platters of  delicious food were in front of them. I was nearly panting at the mouthwatering smell. A butler that was standing near the door, scared me as he extremely loudly said "Lady Enola, has arrived"

Wow I was announced. I must be special. Upon hearing the announcement of my arrival. Tewkesbury looked up from the table to smile at me.

I instantly smiled back but I did see out of the corner of my eye his mother looking at our interaction.

I moved awkwardly and sat down in the seat in front of Tewkesbury. I smiled and nodded a good morning to his mother and turning my head to do the same to him.

"Lady Eliza and her sister Charlotte have arrived". I looked up to see two almost identical, blonde girls making their way over to our table.

I didn't know there were going to be other guests. I didn't mind of course, this could be an excellent opportunity to make friends.

"Enola dear, I hope you don't mind but I invited the daughters of an old friend to stay with us as well during your visit" Tewkesbury's mother told me.

"Of course not" I replied as I smiled to the sisters. One of the sisters took her seat right next to Tewkesbury and the other sat next to me.

"Good morning" the lady next to me nodded to everyone including me.

I smiled at her without saying anything else.

I dived right into the food. I was extremely hungry if you couldn't already tell. I packed my plate with toasts with all sorts of jellies on the side. I snarfed down sausages and bacon with omelettes made from the finest chefs of all of England.

  It was delicious. It was like heaven in my mouth. Well almost.

"I expect everyone to make an appearance at the gala tonight, I have hired the best hair and makeup maids so use that to your advantage ladies" Tewkesbury's mother informed me and the sisters.

"Well I must get going preparing for the gala, have a good day" Tewkesbury's mother told us before wiping her lips with a napkin and making her exit.

  "Well I must be off as well, have a good day ladies" Tewkesbury spoke up but not before he winked and smiled at me. I blushed and that just made him smile even more.

Ugh I hated how my face would just snitch on me.
Tewkesbury left the dining room right after his mother.

"So what will you be wearing tonight?" Eliza who was sitting next to me asked me.

"Hmm...what will you?" I asked her intending to keep my clothing a surprise. A golden dress with matching shoes"

"That's nice and very elegant" I replied not knowing what to say, I usually didn't have many conversations about dresses.

I immediately felt unconfident because of  my lack of knowledge in the ladies department "I would love to get ready together" she asked me smiling as she took a bite of her bacon.

Her sister had not said a single word to me at all.
"I would actually really like that" I smiled. I think I might be become friends with her. We'll see.

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