Thirty three ・゚✧

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"If you could get any teddy right now, what would you want the teddy to be?" Liam asked, curious yet knowing exactly what the boy was going to say. "Chase!"

"Chase. The paw patrol one?" He asked, teasing the boy who giggled in response and swung their hands together once more as they took each new step. "Yea! Li' know Chase."

"Of course I do. I'm just tricking ya. I'll keep my eye out for you." He smiled, entering a petite toy shop with a bell that rung as you entered. It was small and empty with a strong smell of nostalgia and plastic toys, the only people there being the staff members which were all quick to greet them with a smile, no judgement covering their face at seeing the two together, hand in hand. Liam was quite thankful for it as he knew the store being as sweet as it was would help to cure Zayn's growing nerves. "You can have whatever you like, Z. As long as we can bring it to the dorm, meaning, don't make it too big."

"Oh... But I wan'ed massive bear?" He giggled with a cheeky grin and Liam couldn't help but smile fondly in return, something he had found himself doing a lot lately. The boy's little side was definitely mischievous and he couldn't wait to explore more of it with him. He hopes that they have many more days, just like the current one, in their future. "Let's stick to little bears like you for now, huh?"

"Lickle' bears like Zee." He repeated with a blush across his face, his hand dropping from Liam's as he allowed himself to roam around and explore what the store had to offer. He found himself kneeled down next to an interactive wooden toy train set, his hand on the toy as he moved it around. His eyes were glowing and he had the largest smile across his face. "Is' train." He had always wanted a toy like this when he was younger but he never got the chance to have one because of the size, so he was almost in shock when the store had it - it was all so exciting to him.

Liam crouched next to him, watching him intensely, admiring how his little side was so quick to become infatuated with anything that sparked interest at all. He watched how Zayn's eyes followed his hand as his hand moved quickly around the track as if the boy was racing with someone. "Do you like that toy? We could get you one just like that."

"Choo choo train." Zayn responded, looking up to Liam with his wandering eyes. His mind more focused on the toy in his hand than whatever it was the man in front of him appeared to be asking.

"That's right. You'd like it?" He asked and Zayn shyly nodded, putting the toy he was holding back down onto the track. "We'll get you it then." The man picked up one of the wooden sets, carrying it. He may or may not have underestimated just how heavy carrying a bunch of wooden train tracks was, even for someone that often works out however, he'd make sure to carry back anything Zayn wants - no matter the weight. "Anything else?"

"Chase." He giggled and then dramatically gasped, "You forget?" which Liam couldn't help but laugh at, "I could never forget, tiny. Let's find you a Chase."

"Yay!" He cheered and wandered off again, stumbling almost as his brain got fuzzier within the space, still in eyes distance of Liam as the store wasn't overly large at all. "Is it just a Chase teddy you want, Zayn? Or are you fine with any Chase related toy because I'm unfortunately not seeing many teddy's here... Maybe that build-a-bear trip we discussed once before will have to happen someday soon."

"Ummm. Any." The little responded with a pout, he was looking forward to having a Chase teddy but he supposed any Chase toy will do if they could find one. Though his pout was short lived as it soon disappeared seconds later when he found a small Chase toy, thankfully. Liam wasn't sure if he could deal with a tantrum. It was only plastic and a couple centimetres tall but it was more than enough for Zayn, it was Chase after all and a perfect size to sneak into his college bag. "I foun' him. That's all. Please."

the only time i feel i might get better (is when we are together) - ziamWhere stories live. Discover now