Twenty three ・゚✧

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"Nice to meet you, mate." He smiled, taking in Zayn's appearance. It was no lie that Zayn was the complete opposite to the sort of people Liam usually hung out with and in no way was he judging Zayn, he was just confused towards the large difference. Niall himself was wearing a pair of joggy bottoms and a tank top, very sport inspired, comfy attire - similar to Liams. "I was starting to think Liam was lying about having a room, or even a roommate, because he's never shown me it, or introduced me to you.. Until now." He laughed.

Zayn nodded, intertwining his feet with each other, anxiously. He couldn't help but feel anxious, he always did when meeting someone new, especially someone like Niall who was a jock, his polar opposite and known for not being the sweetest, "Haha.. yeah. Our room is not the nicest half the time."

"Alright," Liam shrugged, changing the topic, "I'm gonna go get some scran and a coffee, wanna come with me Zayn?" He asked, noticing that Zayn was looking a little bit uncomfortable around the Irish boy, compared to how he usually looked when it was just the two of them, he supposed that he maybe shouldn't have invited him - Niall could be a lot to take in sometimes. The boy nodded and got up, along with Liam, standing close by his side.

"Leaving me here?" The Irish one teased, Liam teasingly stuck his middle finger up and Niall stuck his tongue out in response, "We need someone to save our seat. What if someone took it?"

"We would have to sit on the floor then, soz." It was now lunch time, peak time for the cafe so it was full, they would well and truly have to sit on the floor if someone took their seat. The Irish boy shrugged, pulling out his phone to occupy himself while the two were gone. "I guess, I'll wait here. It could be worse." He joked and dramatically sighed, Liam rolled his eyes, he was convinced that Niall should have perhaps taken an acting course instead.

"Thank you." The man and Zayn walked over to the food bar and picked up one of the clean, cold, plates, Zayn got a salad and some crisps with orange juice and Liam got a genuine pile of sandwiches with his coffee, all different flavours but the majority being smoked ham and cheese. "That's a crazy amount of sandwiches, Liam."

"They're delicious from here, I swear down. I'll pay the bill after by the way, no need to worry about it."

"I can pay it, Liam." He pleaded, looking at him. Liam shook his head and took a sip of his coffee, "I invited you out, it only seems fair."

"Fine..." he sighed, deciding there was no point arguing because Liam would win anyway. He took a sandwich for himself to test out if they were really as delicious as Liam made them out to be and placed it on his plate next to his salad. "If this is icky, you're having it."

"Fine by me, that's my favourite sandwich too, hence why I got most of them. Are you alright by the way, you looked a bit uncomfortable. I can ask Niall to leave?" Liam said, voice full of concern and worry, Zayn instantly shook his head, "Oh no.. I just get anxious about meeting new people. It's alright. I promise."

"Mm'kay, well let me know if he gets too much for you or anything, I understand." He said softly, heading back over to the table with the boy, allowing Zayn to enter the booth first with his fresh, tasty juice and his plate. He followed after and got comfortable onto the soft seat, taking a bite into one of the many smoked ham and cheese sandwiches that he had picked up. "Bloody perfect." He could practically moan, it was amazing.

Zayn laughed, taking a bite of his own. Eyes instantly going wide, damn they were good. Perhaps not as good as Liam's cooking were but they were truly astonishing, "I understand the hype you gave it now. I'll have to get some more in a bit."

"Oh fuck yeah," Niall said and shoved his phone away into his back pocket, "the sandwiches here are banging.. Try the breakfast sandwich next." He got up and made his own way over towards the place in which the food was at. He got a couple of sandwiches himself, along with a few slices of cucumber and some crisps. Returning, Liam stared at his plate, "What is that? Why've you plonked like 5 random pieces of cucumber on there."

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