Twenty two ‎✧ ೃ༄

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The next morning, Zayn was awake first. His mind a big blurry, fuzzy mess, he felt warm and cozy in the best way possible and he couldn't help but smile so brightly at the sun which was shining in on him, it was setting the scene and creating such a soft mood. He was in the middle of big and little, unsure but simply happy. With curled up fists, he rubbed his eyes and picked up his phone from the side next to him, taking a zoomed in picture of Liam sleeping with a giggle - he didn't know why he found it so funny but he did, the lad was fast asleep and Zayn was bombarding him like a paparazzi in his hazy state of mind.

"Wake uppp, Liam." The boy said, standing up from his own bed and standing by the opposing one instead. He was so God Damn full of smiles today and he wanted to thank Liam for helping him feel this way, "Get up."

Liam stirred and put a hand by his face, yawning. He gently opened his eyes and took in Zayn standing directly in his eye view, "Oh. Mornin'". He yawned.  "Bit close."

"Wanted to thank you." Zayn blushed, mind feeling more clearer, he was definitely completely big now. He took a step or two back to give Liam some space, allowing him to wake up properly. "For like, being good to me when I was little."

"Oh. No need..." he said softly, slowly sitting up and leaning against the headboard of his bed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "I was a bit scared at first but I did it... It was a lot easier than I thought... but you did terrify me when you almost fell off the stool. I was thinking of getting a stool for you with a back on?"

Zayn nodded, face going a deeper shade of red. He wasn't overwhelmed in any sense, just simply extremely embarrassed that Liam witnessed that side of him: it was all hitting him at once now. "Yeah.."

Liam tapped the side of his bed, gesturing for Zayn to take a seat, "We don't have to rush.. but just an idea. Do you have any plans today?"

He thought about it and shook his head, "Mm' don't think so. Today is my only weekday off college... Why?" He sat on Liam's bed, following his gesture, and flicked through the pictures he had taken of the sleeping lad, the majority of them blurry as he wasn't able to focus through his giggles.

"Mine too. Wondered if you wanted to go out for lunch? Oi. What are those?"

"Lunch sounds alright," Zayn looked at him and burst out into a fit of giggles at one photo he had taken of Liam, his hair was a mess and his eyes were shut. It wasn't funny at all but to Zayn, it was hilarious. He held onto the bed sheets within his laughter with his phone tight to his chest so that Liam couldn't see it, "Not telling ya."

"You took pictures of me?" Liam fake pouted and got up, he picked the boy up and put him over his shoulder with a big, cheeky grin, "I've got you now. Let me see." This just made Zayn laugh more and he held tight onto Liam's shirt for safety, "Noooo. Put me dooowwwnnnn."

"Make me." He teased, holding tight onto Zayn so that he wouldn't fall and hurt himself through his wriggles. Zayn's legs were wrapped tightly around the man's chest and his arms hanging down his back. It was a funny position and very strangely comfortable, if he ignored the feeling of blood rushing to his head anyway. With a grin, he slapped Liam's arse to which Liam laughed at and moved Zayn up onto his hip. "Oi."

"It worked," The boy laughed, his tummy hurting with laughter, and Liam shrugged, "I guess that it did. You're very light, Zayn."

Zayn blushed, "Thanks. I didn't think I was though, I dunno."

"You are," Liam smiled but then looked concerned with furrowed eyebrows, "You eat all your meals, right? 3 a day?"

the only time i feel i might get better (is when we are together) - ziamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon