Chapter 31: BackStory (part 9)

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[i Hope you aren't bored about this backstory because I'm hella happy with these chapters.]

Alessandro was walking in the house, hands in his pocket, but his mind was on Yara. She was everything that he has been thinking about. I'm nothing like my father and for you to suggest otherwise. The memories were flashing in his mind. Her face expression, her tears, her movements. Then why are you acting like him? He convinced himself that he was no near his father. And he would never be like him.

He was walking near his father's office when he see the door cracked. His father would never leave the door opened to his office. And something inside of him, pushed him to get inside and look, he was looking through his desk at his laptop, and threw drawers, when he finally noticed a desk drawer that was lock. He started to look for any sight of keys, and he found something under a pile of papers in the first drawer.

He slowly opened the drawer and took out a file. TOP SECRET. As he opened it, many photos fell down and two of them where one of Yara's face and the second of his mother's face. He took the photo of his mother surprised to see there was a stamp of eliminated on her photo. He looked behind it, and it shows a plan of killing. Car crash into Deathly Forest at 6:30 pm. Late Ambulance pick up, suffocation if she still is alive. His heart was beating fast, his hands trembling. That's the same way his mother died.

He quickly grabbed Yara's photo which was imprinted on her face. Mission failed. He looked at the behind. Failed bomb attack on her and her boyfriend. Mission failed with the help of Espada. All he was seeing right now was red. His own father, killed his wife, his mother. And he tried to kill Yara. He held on a gun, and walked downstairs. His father was right on time coming from the door. "ah Alessandro. I have something important to talk to about." His son replied darkly "me too..." "then how about a walk near the lake."

As they walked to the lake, Alessandro tried to make it as much as possible not to do any mistake, but the damage was done. He was planning on something way darker. While walking around the lake his father started "good boy. I never thought that one day you will make your old man proud and finally get married to a beautiful rose." His blood was boiling, he hated him more than anything right now, and like a bill ready to fight, he was seeing red.

"Dad. How did mom died?" His father turned to him and groaned "mio dio! Not another boring conversation of your pathetic mother. She was a bad driver and she tried to run away with some guy and got killed." A silence fell down. "How did mom died?" His father sat up straight and glared "are you joking? Didn't you hear what I said?" "How did mom died?!" His father started to get pissed off "stop asking this question." He tried to walk away, when he heard a Glock. He turned around slowly seeing his son pointing the gun at him. Alessandro had tears in his eyes by now and he was trembling "I wasn't even waiting for you to answer... you killed her. Didn't you?"

His father smirked "I had to make you a man and your mother was nothing but making every improvement disappear." "H-how.... HOW COULD YOU?!" His father rolled his eyes "there's more importing things in life Alessandro. When you become a man you will know about it!" "YOU KILLED YOUR WIFE! YOU KILLED THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD!"
His father smirked "you will thank me later."

Alessandro run his fingers through his head "YOU TRIED TO KILL THE ONLY PERSON THAT I REALLY LOVED!" "She was a distraction boy. But the mission failed and woohoo one year later she's still alive with a badass reputation here. Get over it." Alessandro was still pointing the gun at him "would you really shoot the man who brought you in this life? Who gave you life?" Alessandro, face filled with tears, and a trembling voice "that's where it's funny father. You don't mean anything to me.... You never did. So I don't care who lives or who dies. But her... I care about her. And I won't be marrying Anastasia. Why to have a relationship like you and my mother?"

His father shouted "GET YOUR GLOCK DOWN BOY OR I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET THE SECOND YOU WERE BORN!" A heated argument happened now between them and as Alessandro held on tighter to the Glock he finally said "you don't belong here. You belong in hell." His hands were trembling when he finally clicked.... SHOT! He opened his eyes, seeing his father collapsing on his knees and fell down face forward. For a few seconds he looked at his dead corpse laying on the ground. The bullet went straight to his Brain. Tears fell down his cheeks and let out a scream of sadness and frustration.

It was pouring rain outside, when Elie and Yara were sitting in the living room watching a movie. Then someone knocked. Yara looked at the clock, it's near 11 pm. "Are you expecting someone?" She asked. Elie walked to the main door, backing away the maids and a gun in his hands. As soon as he opened it, he saw Alessandro soaking wet, rain drops falling down from his wet hair and his white blouse is now see through. "Alessandro?" Ale took a glance of his best friend and burst into tears while hugging him tight.

Yara rushed to the main door and gasped at his view. "F-father... died..." Yara and Elie looked at each other speechless. "H-how...?" She asked with a trembling voice. "Near the lake. He got shot." Elie hugged him tighter "I'm so sorry Ale." Yara was still away from them, looking at them from afar. Her heart in her hands. "You're going to be alright Ale." Elie assured him before pulling him into another hug. Ale looked at Yara between his wet eyes lashes, but the hatred she still had inside of her was way bigger, but the love that she had for him was to cuddle with him in bed and help him.

Elie wanted Alessandro to spend the night at his house afraid he might do something to himself. Yara was preparing the bath for Alessandro , when he entered. "It's warm. It will help." Yara turned her back while Ale was undressing only leaving himself with his boxers. After turning back around, the structure of his muscles, the rain drops sticked on his shoulder with his wet hair sticked on his forehead. Her cheeks glowed red. "I... I think... I should go." Before she could pass the door he held her hand, with a whisper and begging "no. Stay."

She turned to him and sighed. And gave up. He sat slowly on the bath, the relaxing bubbles and warm water surrounding his body. Yara sat on the edge of the bathtub, slowly cupping some warm water and drop it on his shoulders. He threw back his head so now he was laying on her. He let out a sigh "ale...'I'm sorry about your father..." he replied "don't be. He deserved it. Hell. He deserved a lot worst." "He's your father." He turned side ways so he could look at me a little "yet he was about to make me lose the love of my life." Her heart started to beat fast as her pulse sped up. "Isn't it Espada?"

"It was a collaboration." Her hands moved around his shoulders. And he sinked at the touch of her hands. He let out a sigh "I'm sorry... for what he did to you." Yara's eyes started to get glossy. "I think right now you should focus about the huge inheritance of yours and how to deal with your mafia. Focus on yourself... making money.... Start a new life..." he laid his hand on hers "can you be a part of it..?" She looked at him and shook her head "no! No!" She stood up and said "I won't falll for this game ever again... stop Alessandro." And she walked out of the bathroom, living him tensed.

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