Chapter 19: Doing It All For Us

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[I am hundred percent sure that I will receive a lot of hate for taking this long to write this chapter. But I just finished my mid-terms exams. Enjoy chapter 19 <3]

It took Vanessa, Elie and Ale a whole solid 24 hours to finally get to their destination. "Finally we arrived." Alessandro said breathlessly as he was walking a few meters away of the mansion. "I can't wait to hug my little-...."

He went completely silent as he saw the front of the mansion. Dead corpse around the mansion, the main gates opened widely, even the main door is smashed into pieces on the floor. Vanessa gasped. Alessandro shouted "YARAAA!!!" He run with Elie inside.

"YARA AMORE DOVE SEI!!! RISPONDIMI PERFAVORE!!" He shouted with a crack voice. After long minutes of looking around. "MERDO!!" Screamed Elie frustrated, he laid on the floor, his back on a cold wall and started crying.

Vanessa rushed and hugged him, pulling him close to her chest. "we will find her..." she assured him. Alessandro walked out of Yara's room holding a USB in his hand. With red Buffy eyes, he looked at Elie "do you have any computer?"

Elie guided them to his office that was a full mess. He started looking through the pile of papers and destruction and mess. He opened the computer and plugged in the USB. A video appeared they clicked on it:

Yara is laying on her knees, crying. "Shut up !" A voice said behind the camera. She glared at him "You are messing with the wrong family." She threatened. "My cousin will kill you Espada." Gilbert came walking and sat next to her looking at the camera "Now now Elie, you did runaway. Clever of you to even make my own daughter betray me." Yara was still looking at him angrily "You have till midnight to show yourself and surrender or...." He pulled behind his back and gun and loaded and pointed it at Yara's.

Yara gasped, holding her breath "She's going to die." "Elie don't come!!" Yara shouted looking at the camera "You die and your little mistake of a baby too!!" She turned her face away crying. He grabbed her face and turned it to his "your little boyfriend really didn't care if you die you know that?" "I don't believe you. Alessandro loves me."

Gilbert laughed "pathetic." He moved towards the camera and zoomed it to his face "midnight or she will die." And he turned off the camera.

Alessandro looked at Elie "we won't let her die!!" Elie took a gun form his drawer and loaded it. "Of course we won't!! But I won't risk to take you with me." "BULLSHIT!" Shouted Ale. "Bloody hell, kill me and do whatever to me but I am coming with you."

Vanessa stepped forward "me too." Elie glared at her "no you stay here! Ale can come but you stay here!" Vanessa protested "I saved you a few hours ago I have all the right to-..." Elie shouted "LOOK I ALREADY HAVE YARA IN DANGER I WONT RISK YOU. SO LISTEN TO ME AND STAY HERE."

Vanessa looked at him and nodded. "Good" he said breathlessly. He grabbed her waist and kissed her passionately. He connected their foreheads together "I won't be gone." She nodded. Elie and Alessandro walked to the garage and took one of their huge black jeeps. And drove away as Vanessa saw them leaving .

Vanessa walked back inside. She started to look around. Dead corpse everywhere, the mansion was a total mess, it's like an explosion happened here. Bullets were everywhere, in the sofa, paintings, walls.... She couldn't stay here. She walked to Elie's office.

She started to open a drawer by drawer, looking for anything she could use to protect herself. She opened a drawer and found a gun. She had only two bullets. 'Good enough' she thought. She couldn't stay here doing nothing.

She walked out and waited for someone with a car. A red car was passing by. She stood in front of it holding the gun. The car stopped and the driver stepped out scared holding his hands up. She threatened to shoot him if he doesn't step away. She climbed on the car and drove to her father's place.

Meanwhile with the boys, Elie was driving with a high speed. "You stay in the car, if anything happened-...." "SHUT UP ELIE! THAT'S YARA I AM SAVING, THE MOTHER OF MY CHILD!" Elie looked at him "why did you say to Gilbert a few months ago that he could kill her. What happened in these few months ago?"

Alessandro looked out of the window. "Me and your cousin were in a relationship." Elie turned to him confused "is this a bloody joke?!" Alessandro shook his head no. "No it's not... we dated and I saw myself in a position that I know that I can't protect your cousin from the evil in this world."

Elie looked back at road, still driving "we dated for a solid year. Than the whole big accident happened and I found myself vulnerable. I felt I was a danger to her, I left her heartbroken. For some reason, Gilbert find out about our little affair. I lied and told him what I said."

Elie couldn't say anything because they arrived. They parked the car a few meters away, and hide it behind the trees. They stepped out and holding the gun they walked to the mansion . In front of the gates, Gilbert was waiting and next to him was Yara. Elie and Alessandro walked courageously towards them.

Gilbert grabbed the girl, holding a knife on her back, he started to dig the knife slowly into her back "AHHH!" Yara screamed painfully. "STOP IT!" begged Alessandro. He looked at his girlfriend, her red Buffy eyes feels like she has been crying for the last two days non stop. She was arching her back, avoiding the sharpness of the knife.

The more she arched, the more Gilbert was digging the knife more in her back. "I don't care who dies! But Since you do. Indulge me and I just might spare the mother of your child. Kneel... Get on your knees." Yara looked at Alessandro Crying, shaking her head no.

She sobbed "no Ale.... I beg you don't-... AHHH!" She was interrupted by another pain, Elie and Alessandro made a sudden move. Yara turned to see her back, she found her white snow shirt covered with blood on her back. Blood started dripping slowly. Alessandro and Elie noticed. "One more move... you will see the knife through your heart."

Alessandro stepped a few steps forward and kneeled on one knee "you said you don't care who dies... than kill me but spare her." Yara cries started to get louder "Alessandro!" Called Elie. "Spare her.... spare the only person that ever made me the happiest human being on earth." Gilbert smirked.

He took out the knife and looked at Yara "how romantic... it made my heart melt." Yara tried as much as she can to say "Ale... I'm pregnant.... you're going to be a father. We both need you with us...." Alessandro stood up and forced a smile "the baby needs their mother more than me-..." "I NEED YOU!" Shouted Yara.

" and I LOVE YOU." His words cut through her heart. Their dream was to start a family. Their dream was to have their own house. Their dream was to raise their kids together. A future without Alessandro is a future of loneliness. She wanted a future, she had plan for her future, not until now she realized all her plans and dreams, Alessandro was included in them.
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