Chapter 17: Caught

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I was just rereading chapter 16 and dang this chapter made me go HOT HOT. The things I will do to be Vanessa..... enjoy chapter 17

Vanessa woke up with the feeling of someone rubbing her half naked back. She opened her eyes sleepily and looked up at Elie, who was staring at her. "Good morning." He said. His voice send shivers to Vanessa. Until she is fully awake she totally forgot what happened between them the other night.

She sat in front of him still yawning, and smiled "good morning." She stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. After returning to the bed, she saw Elie missing.

As she was staring at the bed, a pair of cold hands rapped her waist. And a pair of lips started to lay kisses on her neck. "Breakfast is almost ready. We should go down." Vanessa turned to him and wrapped her arm around his neck while hugging him.

"What are your plans for today?" Elie smiled and shrugged his shoulders "today, I have a few meetings to attend to. And if you want we can go to dinner after my work." Vanessa blushed "date?" She asked nervously. He kissed her lips and replied while walking away "if you want to have our little date in bed like yesterday too I don't mind." He shut the door while laughing leaving Vanessa red as a tomato.

She dressed herself and walked downstairs. She saw Alessandro eating his breakfast alone. "Where is Yara?" She asked. Alessandro sighed "she is feeling sick today. She barfed twice, so I left her to rest."

Elie glared at her "sick? Did she caught a cold?" Alessandro shrugged "I don't really know. I'm just worried. We have meetings all day long. And-..." "I'll check on her don't worry,"

Alessandro smiled "okay.... And Vanessa after our last meeting I want to buy a beautiful diamond necklace for Yara and I would be pleased if you joins us." Vanessa smiled back "sure call me when you finish your meeting."

Yara came downstairs feeling a little bit dizzy. Alessandro rushed towards her and held her close to his chest "what are you doing out of bed?! Get back right now!" Maids run to help their mistress and walked her back to the room.

He sighed and looked at Elie "why does she push herself too hard." Elie stood up and said "I don't know. She always do this to herself. Well we should get going." He leaned and kissed Vanessa on the lips.

Alessandro stared with eyes pooping out of his face and a wide open mouth "I will tell you while on the road." He replied as he already knew what Ale was supposed to ask. He dragged him out of the mansion to their ride.

For the rest of the day, Vanessa took care of Yara. Yara didn't had a fever or anything, yet she did had weird cravings which sometimes ends with her head stuck in the toilet.

After a long day, hard on both of the girls, Vanessa was sitting on the sofa scrolling through the phone when ELIE called "come out Bella we are waiting for you." Vanessa ended the call and went outside to meet the boys.

Yara was walking downstairs, holding her purse. "Where are you going?" Asked her best friend curiously. "Just to grab some medications in the pharmacy near by. And you?" Vanessa tried to lie by saying "your cousin is waiting for me outside. He want to show me something."

Yara went back to the kitchen to grab a cup of water while Vanessa went back to the boys. She entered the car "hey." She kissed Elie's cheek. "How was all of your meetings?" The boys assured the meeting were going well.

As Elie was driving in a lonely road between the forest, all of the sudden a car stopped in front of them blocking them the way, another car appeared right behind them, blocking the exit way too.

Vanessa said "what's going on?!" Elie and Alessandro both grabbed their gun. The door of the front car opened, a man who Vanessa immediately recognized stepped out of the car, holding a B7 "I WANT MY DAUGHTER!" The man shouted.

Elie glared through the glass. "GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER OR I WILL KILL YOU !" Ale asked quietly "now what?" Elie, took a deep breath, "let's get out of the car." "No elie he is going to kill you-..." begged Vanessa.

"Like I could give a damn what he will do to me. It's you I am worried no amore." They opened the door and walked out of the car. Vanessa looked at her father, she knew that he will take her back with him and she won't be able to be with Elie.

"Oh Vanessa! My dear! I was so worried about you!" Gilbert shouted. "Come my dear." Vanessa couldn't refuse. She was scared. She started to walk slowly, as Elie looked at her leaving. Then a man stood behind the boys, and knocked them out as the boys fell on the floor.

"No father! I beg you-..." Gilbert interrupted her "that's none of your business Vanessa." He grabbed his daughter arm and dragged her back to the car while the man took Elie and Alessandro to the other car.

An hour later, Elie started to open his eyes sleepily. He woke up tide in a chair with chains and duck tape, pinning his back, hands and legs to the chair. Alessandro woke up and started to shake the chair to escape.

Their violent movements were interrupted when they heard someone clearing their throat "welcome ! Gentlemen!" They boys looked at Gilbert walking towards them from the dark with his daughter. Vanessa who was showing no emotion only looked at Elie.

She knew that he felt she was a traitor. She couldn't explain herself. "YOU ARE GOING TO BE DEAD WHEN I GET AWAY!" shouted Elie. Gilbert laughter echoed the room. "I love, after everything, the thought you have a chance to kill me. You kidnapped my daughter, the most precious thing I ever have! TORTURED HER!"

Elie looked back at Vanessa, who seemed to holding her tears. She just wanted to shout, to shut her father up. Gilbert took from a table near by a computer and opened it. "I hate being like always the one delivering the news.... But."

He showed some security cameras of Yara going out of a pharmacy and heading back home. He looked at Alessandro "I must congratulate you, a beautiful, sexy, in every way, girl you go here." Alessandro moved violently and shouted "don't you dare talk about my girlfriend like this!"

Gilbert, with a smirk on his face, turned to one of his computer genius. "Show the gentlemen here, with the help of our little flying drones, few minutes ago what their precious little principessa find out." Elie and Alessandro looked at each other confused.

One of his workers came and tapped a few times on the keyboard and turned back the computer. The screen went black, then show some footage in gray and white, of Yara going back and forth in her room, biting her nails and holding something at first looked like a pencil.

Alessandro heart beats raised, he waited, waited for what is happening. Yara looked back at the thing she is holding. Tears scrolled down her cheeks, she collapsed on her knee a on the floor crying and holding her hair tightly while sobbing.

"Pause the video, zoom on what she is holding." The man did the same thing as his boss told him. The boys were left in shock-....
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