Binding Death

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I got a text from Dean that they got to their destination. I zapped to them and looked around. We were in an older house that had lots of collectibles in it. We walked around as Dean lit the way with a flashlight. We both noticed a glass case with what looked the the crystal. He held the light as I went to break the glass when we heard the cock of a gun. We turned around to see an older man and a woman behind him. The gun pointed at Dean.
"Listen. We don't want to hurt you." Dean said with his hands up.
"I'm the one with the firearm, Son." The man said and I walked in front of Dean, turning my eyes black.
"He's not the one you need to worry about." I said waving my finger, throwing the gun from his hand across the room. "Now be good unless you want me to snap your necks." I smiled looking back at Dean. "Be a dear and tie them up. I'll go get Sam and Bobby." I told him as I walked outside to get them. "Come on. We found the thing. And some new friends." I said.
"Friends?" They both asked and followed me in. When we got back into the room Dean had them both tied up and gaged.
"The crystal is over there." I said pointing at it.
"Hil." Dean said making me look toward him. "Eyes."
"Oh." I blinked them back to green. "Better?" I asked as I stood near the couple.
"Come on. Let's get this going." Bobby said and the boys quickly started setting up the spell right in front of these randoms. Bobby started reciting the spell as glass started to shatter around us and the room shook then fell quiet.
"That's it?" I asked annoyed.
"Hello. You here? Death?" Dean called out.
"You're joking." A tall slender man asked. I stood straight up as I looked at him. Death. Standing right there.
"I'm sorry Death. This isn't want it looks like." Dean said.
"Oh really? It looks like you bound me,"
"For good reason. Just. Hear us out." Dean said.
"Is this about sams Hallucinations?" He asked.
"Wait. What?" Dean asked.
"Sorry Sam. One wall per customer." Death said. "Now unbind me."
"We can't. Yet." Sam said.
"This isn't going to end well." Death Warned.
"We need you to kill God." Dean said making Death look him straight in the eyes.
"Pardon?" He asked.
"Kill god. You heard right. Your. Honor." Bobby spoke.
"What makes you think I can do that?" Death asked.
"You told me." Dean said.
"Why should I?"
"Because we said so. And we're the boss of you." Dean said making my jaw drop.
"Dean!" I shouted in shock.
"I mean. Respectfully." Dean added.
"Amazing," we heard behind us. It was Castiel.
"I didn't want to kill you but now."
"You can't kill us." Dean said.
"You erased all nostalgia I had for you Dean." He said raising his hand ready to snap his fingers .
"You can't. Deaths our bitch." Dean said smugly.
"Annoying little Protozoa aren't they?" Death asked. "God. You look awfully like a mutated angel to me. Your vessels melting. You're going to explode."
"No. I'm not. Once I'm finished with my work. I'll repair myself." Feathers said.
"You think you can. You're simply under the weight of all these souls. Yes? But that's not the worst problem. There are things much older then souls in purgatory and you gulped those in too."
"I control them."
"For the moment."
"Wait. What older things?" I asked.
"Long before god created angel and man. He made the first beasts. Leviathans. I personally found them quite entertaining but he was concerned they'd chomp the entire Petri dish so he licked them away. Why do you think he created purgatory?" Death asked. "To keep those clever poisonous things out. Now. Castiel has swallowed them. He's the one thin membrane between the old ones and your home. Stupid little soldier you are."
"Why?" Castiel asked walking closer. "Because I dared to open the door he shut? Where is he? I did a service taking his place."
"Service? Settling petty vendettas?
They went on arguing for a bit back and fourth. The tenseness in the room was so thick. Eventually Castiel broke the bind and left. Death sitting at the near by desk.
"I had a tingle id be reaping someone soon." He said. The bag of take out Dean had brought to try to butter him up was opened and Death began eating. The silence really taking over Dean tried to speak.
"Umm-" he started but was immediately cut off.
"Shut up Dean. I'm not here to tie your shoes every times you trip. I warned you about those souls how long ago? Long enough to stop that fool and here we are again. This planet in the edge of annihilation."
"Well, I'm sorry. I've been trying to save this planet. So maybe you should find someone better to tip off." Dean said.
"Maybe I should spend my time on a better planet. But. I do find that angel arrogant. What you can do is have him take those souls back to purgatory. Quickly."
"We need a door don't we?" I asked.
"Everything you need is in that lab. Get him there and compel him to give up the power"
"Compel?" Dean asked.
"Figure it out. I'll make another eclipse. Sunday morning. So be punctual." And with that he left.
"Holy shit. I can't believe I was in the same room as Death." I said excitedly.
"Let go home." Dean said pushing off the wall and past me. I followed him out.
"I gotta go back to Hell for a bit. Fill my dad in on this shit. Call if you need me okay?" I said.
"Yeah. Thanks Hil,"
"Yup." I said and zapped out. I told my dad everything that went on. He wasn't surprised things went south at all. He told me to stay out of it but we both knew that wasn't going to happen. I did agree I wouldn't go unless I was called or summoned.

The morning came when it was time for the ritual. I was up in my room waiting to see if I was needed. I wanted so badly to just go and check but I knew I shouldn't, at least not yet. I rubbed my finger against my warm coffee cup I held.
"Those boys better be alright." I said out loud.
Didn't take long to feel that tug but it wasn't from Dean. It was Sam. I set my coffee mug down and zapped right to him. A quick glance to see we were in a damp bricked hallway. Sam was up against the wall basically tweaking out.
"Sam?" I asked walking up to him but he didn't even respond or look my direction.
"Lu-Lucifer." He muttered as he stood there shaking.
"Luci?" I asked him. He wasn't there. Id be able to feel him. I grabbed onto Sams shirt and shook him. "Sam! Snap the fuck out of it!" I shouted at him. He let out a loud gasp and frantically looked around until his eyes landed on me.
"Hilda?" He asked. "Where's-?"
"Lucifer? Sam he's not here. He's still in the cage as far as I know. Is that who you keep seeing?" I asked. He had a cold sweat all over his body as he answered me with a nod.
"He's not-?"
"No. Sam he's not. It's just your mind fucking with you."
"How'd you know I was. Like this?" He asked.
"You called for me. At least your subconscious did. I was in the middle of enjoying a cup of coffee." I said with a chuckled before I heard footsteps speeding toward us. I turned to see Dean and Bobby running toward us.
"Sammy!" Dean shouted. "Hilda. Why are you here?"
"He called for me."
"Okay well we gotta get going. Now. Let's get out of here." Dean said and we followed. We made it outside and followed Dean. It looked like feathers was out there and walking into a lake.
"What's going on with him. Did the ritual work?" I asked before watching him go under and create a whirlpool of black sludge. "Ewe. What the fuck is that?" I asked looking over at the three men.
"Leviathan." Sam said.
"Wait. So this thing didn't work? Now those. Whatever they are, are just. Riding around in the sewers?" I asked.
"Pretty much." Bobby said. I looked over to Dean who grabbed Castiels jacket from the water.
"He's gone. That dumb son of a bitch." Dean said with a frog in his throat. I sighed and patted Deans back.
"I have to tell my dad about this. I have a feeling these leviathan aren't going to be too fond of us Demons."

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