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A few days had passed and nothing new has happened and I haven't heard from Sam or Dean. I mulled over the last conversation I had with Dean. Wanting to be angry with him but part of me just couldn't stay mad at him. I growled to myself. I'm a god damn demon, I shouldn't be thing hung up on a stupid human. My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was from Dean. All it said was Help. I stood up and felt for his energy and zapped right to it. A quick look around to see I was in an abandoned building and Dean stood in front of me. A few demons on the ground,dead from the blade. Dean was untying Lisa and Ben when I noticed it.
"Dean wait!" I shouted but it was too late. Lisa had stood up, grabbed Ben and the blade as she held him by the neck.
"You see Deany. Crowley knew you'd try something like this. So he had me hop this piece of ass for insurance." She looked to me. "I see you called the Princess for back up."
"Let the boy go," I demanded turning my eyes black. She laughed.
"Sorry sweetheart. You might be the Princess but I only take orders from the King,"
Dean just stood there as the demon rattled shit off. A common thing we do to get into people heads. Usually works quite well.
"Don't listen to her Ben. She's isn't your mom," Dean told the boy.
"Says the C-minus lay with severe daddy issues," the demon laughed. I went to hold up my arm but Dean stopped me.
"Don't hurt her Hilda," he told me and I stood back. "Ben," he said and he looked to Dean before Dean threw holy water at Lisa. Dean grabbed Ben and tossed him over to me. I grabbed him and put him behind me. I could care less about these people but if they were important to Dean I guess I had to. He knocked the knife from the demons grasp and I pulled it toward me. Dean started to recite an exorcism spell and I backed away. All I'd have to do is fly back into my body but it hurt like a bitch either way. I watched as the demon started punching Dean to stop the spell but he kept going. The demon smirked and grabbed a piece metal from the ground and stabbed her in the gut.
"Mom!" Ben shouted and Dean watched in shock.
"Go head and exorcize me now. If you do she's just a dead meatsuit." She smirked. I looked to Dean and he looked to Ben. He started to chant and I held up my hand. I held my hand toward Lisa and balled my fist before pulling my fist up. Forcing the demon up and out of her mouth. The black smoke filled the room before I opened my hand and the smoke disappeared in a burst of flames. Dean ran over and grabbed Lisa before she fell. My eyes Turing back to normal I walked over and Dean looked to me.
"You can do that?!" He shouted as he pulled a cloth from him pocket and held it to Lisa's stab wound.
"Yeah but it will always kill the demon and tires me out so I try not to do it," I told him as I helped him get Lisa into his arms.
"What other shit can you do?" He huffed as we all started up the stairs to leave.
"I can do a lot of things you don't know about." I told him annoyed as we made it up the stairs and into the hallway.
"Just make sure Ben's safe okay?" He asked me and I nodded.
"Sure sure. Where's Sam?" I asked him.
"No clue. I just gotta get Lisa to a hospital," I rolled my eyes and walked a head of him.
"I'll clear the path. These are low level demons anyway," I said and made my way through the halls killing a good amount of demons in our way. I heard some footsteps and prepared to kill another when Sam stumbled out of the door way.
"Hilda?" He asked.
"Told you, you boys always call me fore help. Let's go," I said and we made it to the car. I helped Dean get Lisa in and off we all drove to the hospital. Dean was trying to reassure Ben that his mom would be okay as he sped through traffic. He looked to me and mouthed thank you and I gave him a nod. We got to the hospital in record time and they took her back immediately. They sat us all in the family waiting room as they tried to stabilize her. Dean was pacing and Ben was sitting there still in shock. He was just a kid who saw all this happen in less then an hour.
"You're a demon too. Aren't you?" He asked me quietly.
"I am," I told him.
"So, why'd you help us?" I let out a sigh.
"It's. Complicated." I told him. "But if another demon tells you to trust them. Don't. Okay?" I asked and he just nodded.
I got up and walked to Dean who stopped pacing to look at me.
"Do you need me to stay or can I go?" I asked him.
"You can go. No reason for you to stick around."
"Good. Shit sucks." I joked. "I'll see you around. I hope." I said as I went to walk out of the waiting area.
"Wait Hilda," he called and I turned to look at him. "Thanks. We wouldn't have made it out without your help." I smiled.
"Yeah well, I got a soft spot for you Winchester."

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