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Another few months passed and nothing new had popped up. I did feel something weird. I zapped your Dean who was at Bobby's. That was weird in itself.
"Haven't you heard of knockin?" Bobby asked me annoyed.
"Yeah yeah. Is Dean here?" I asked him.
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"Yeah. That's why I asked. I thought I felt-" I was cut off by Sam walking in. "Sam...?" I asked.
"It's me."
"If you're here. Where's Luc?" I asked him nervously.
"I'm pretty sure he's still in the cage."
"Then how did you get out?" I asked him. He just shrugged before Dean walked in.
"Hilda. What the hell are you doing here?" He asked.
"I felt a disturbance in the force." I joked.
"You watched the movies." He said with a chuckle.
"I did. All of them. But I felt you at Bobby's and you haven't been here in a year. I had to check it out." I told him.
"Dean," a woman's voice called from the bottom of the stairs. Dean sighed and walked out.
"That the girlfriend?" I asked Sam.
"Yeah." I peeked over and saw him talking to a woman. She looked about early thirties. Dark hair. She was pretty enough. I scoffed and turned back to Sam.
"How'd you fly under our radar so long?" I asked him.
"I've been careful. Never went after any demons. Just run of the mill monsters. Vamps. Wolves. Stuff like that." He told me.
"Hmm." I said with an approving nod. "Color me impressed." I said as I walked to sit next to him at the table. "You sure Luc isn't inside you at all?" I asked him.
"Pretty sure." He said.
"Mind if I find out?" I asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders then nodded. "Alright." I grabbed both sides of his head and pulled his lips to mine.


Sam jumped in surprised but slowly relaxed. Hilda's lips were so soft and welcoming he forgot they belonged to a demon. Dean walked in and immediately grabbed Sam by his collar, yanking him from Hilda's lips.
"Hey! What the fuck Dean!" She shouted.
"Sam you didn't make a deal with her did you?!" Dean shouted.
"What? No. Dean of corse not." Sam said.
"Then what the hell was all that about?" Dean asked angrily.
"Relax Dean. I was making sure Lucifer wasn't still in there. And he's not. I would have felt him during the kiss. I could always tell if he was using someone." She told Dean who just stood there. "What? Want a kiss too?" She teased.
"Alright. Enough of this. We have to go get ready to hunt this thing." Sam said motioning them to follow. They got into The car and drove off. They stopped at a small cabin hidden in the woods.


I went to follow them in when Sam stopped me.
"What?" I asked him.
"Everyone in there is a hunter. I'm sure they'll be able to tell what you are."
"Okay. And? A couple of hunters aren't gonna take me down you know." I said pushing past him and following Dean. He walked in and I went in right after him. I went to move my foot and I couldn't. "What the fuck." I cursed. Sam walked in and scuffed the devils trap enough that it freed me. "That was on me. I shoulda known." I laughed. Sam motioned for me to keep moving and I did. As soon as I walked in and stood next to Dean everyone in the room froze and looked at me. They all pulled blades out and started toward me when Dean stood in front of me.
"She's with us. She helped with the whole Lucifer thing. She's good." Dean said.
"Good? That really how you wanna be describing a demon?" One of the men spat, still holding up his knife.
"Trust me. If I wanted you all dead. You'd be dead." I said flashing my black eyes. "I'm here to help. I got nothing better to do."
"She's fine." Sam said. With that they all relaxed. Dean and I looked at each other then followed Sam. They made up a plan to get this thing. A djinn. Dean didn't seem to like these hunters and they didn't like him. Even so they agreed to his plan. To go wait at his house for them to attack him and Sam.
When we all got there the hunters were rooting through all of Deans things. I just leaned against a wall and waited.
"What. You ain't gonna go snooping around too?" Dean asked.
"I may be a demon but I was raised to have manners. I'm not gonna go through all your boring shit." I told him. He gave me a look that said thanks before going off to make sure no one broke anything.
The boys kicked the hunters out and wait for the things to attack. I decided to hang around in case things got hairy. The guys were talking when I looked out the window to the neighbors.
"Hey, I think your neighbors are in trouble Dean." I said making him run to the window. He looked out as some them being attacked.
"Shit," he cursed and grabbed the antidote from a bad and ran outside. I was going to follow Dean when I felt someone behind us. Sam and I turned to see Djinn standing in the door way. It went after Sam and I reached my hand out and grabbed him. That gave Sam enough time to grab a golf club and wack it. He hit it a few times and I let him go, hearing him fall to the ground with a thud. We smiled at each other before another appeared. Then another. If they were here. Where was Dean? I turned to the man and reached out. I lifted him up and held up my other hand. I pulled them apart, ripping the Djinn in half.
"Shit. We got the last one. You two get Dean," one of the hunters said. I nodded and zapped to Dean. He was crumpled on the floor with the poison running through him.
"Dean! Dean get up!" I shouted shaking him before Sam ran in.
"Here!" Sam shouted holding out two vials of the antidote. I reached out and brought them to me before slamming them both in his neck. It took a bit but Dean started to come around.
"Hey dumbass. You back from the dead yet?" I asked and he opened his eyes.
"Am I dead? You're here so I'm in Hell?" He said making me roll my eyes. I let go and he fell to the floor.
"He's fine." I said stand up and walking toward Sam. "Not gonna lie. Seeing you beat the Djinn up was pretty hot." I told him. He choked on his spit before letting out a small cough. "You're not a bad kisser either." I admitted. Dean stood up and slowly walked over to us.
"Did you two get them?" He asked us with a wince.
"Sam killed one. I killed one. That old guy said he got the last one. I think we're all good." I told him.


This was a shorter chapter but I hope you still liked it.
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