Holy Nuke

613 13 1

I walked around our "home" making myself a cup of coffee.
"Not bothering the boys today?" My dad asked.
"Not unless they summon me," I told him taking a sip of my coffee. "Why?" I asked him.
"No reason. You just to seem fond of them is all,"
"Yeah well there's nothing else to do around here. I've been doing my deals you do your thing. It's boring," I told him.
"I suppose it has been. Don't worry poppet. I'm in the works of something big."
"Well let me know when that happens and I'll be there." I said walking back to my room. I laid back into my chair and let out a relaxed sigh as I drank my coffee. Then I felt it. A tug. I was being summoned and it felt like Sam. Go figure. I zapped right in front of Sam.
"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed before turning around to see Dean too.
"A case," Sam said. "We tried Cass but he's not answering."
"So I'm the second choice?" I asked annoyed before looking behind Sam as Castile appeared.
"Hello," Castile said.
"Hello? Really! I've spent all this time trying to get through to you and Dean calls once and you come. Hilda even got here before you!" Sam shouted.
"Yes," Castile said walking toward Dean.
"So what. You like him better?" Sam asked. Castile turned toward him.
"Dean and I do share a more profound bond. Yes." I chuckled.
"Ouch," I said with a laugh as Castile looked to me.
"Hilda," he said a bit annoyed.
"Hi there feathers." I replied.
"So what's going on?" Dean asked.
"You and the Halo squad aren't doing these killings?" Sam asked.
"No but they are using one of our weapons. The staff of Mosses."
"Don't you guys keep that shit locked up?" I asked him.
"After Lucifer and Michael were put in the cage Heavens been terrible. Many of our weapons were stolen,"
"Wait. You're telling me a bunch of rando angels have nukes out here somewhere? Fuck. Even Hell did a better job at protecting our weapons." I said with a chuckle.
The boys filled both Castile and I in on the case. Cops being killed in biblical ways.
"I'm a demon but that's fucked up. Planting a gun on a kid because they messed up." I said shaking my head. "And you all think us Demons are the bad guys." I scoffed.
"Well, I guess it's time we paid the kids dad a visit." Dean said.
We went to leave and Castile grabbed the boys and zapped out. I quickly followed and we were in a house with a man sitting across from us on a couch. Newspapers all over the coffee table.
"Who the hell are you? You can't just walk in here!" He shouted and Sam held up his fake FBI badge.
"Listen. We know your son was set up. Those asshole cops planted that gun." I said and the man relaxed.
"Damn straight. And now. They're all getting there's." The man said.
"And who's giving it to them Darryl?" Sam asked.
"Did you kill Toby and the others?" Dean asked.
"Me? I didn't kill anyone. Look how they died.." he said motioning to the papers on the table.
"We don't have time for this." Castile said and walked up to Darryl.
"Leave my dad alone!" A boy said making us turn toward him. He held a small wooden staff, well mart of one.
"Is that-." Dean asked.
"Yes," Castile replied.
"Leave him alone it wasn't him," the boy said. Castile tapped Darryl's forehead and knocked him out.
"What did you do to my dad?" The boy asked, still pointing the thing at us all.
"Don't worry. He's just sleeping." Dean told him. Castile zapped behind the boy and grabbed the stick.
"Where'd you get that anyway?" Dean asked. Eventually we got out of him an angel offered it to him. Sold it to him. For his soul. As soon as he said that they all looked at me.
"What? Angels can take souls too it's not just demons," I said crossing my arms.
Before I knew it Castile knocked the kid out and zapped us all back to the hotel room.
"Woah. What the hell? You just kidnapped the kid. I mean. I'm impressed but shocked," I said with a laugh as Castile put him on the bed. The boys had a fight about finding out what angel did this. Castile would have to reach into the boy and to his soul to see.
"Maybe it was actually a demon. Can't you find that out Hilda?" Dean asked me.
"He said it was an angel." I told him.
"Yeah but would it be too off for a demon to lie?" He asked. I let out a sigh.
"Yeah, fine. I'll check. Give me a second," with that my eyes went black and I looked through all the contracts the demons had out for the moment. Since my dad and I were the top two demons we got full access to them. I shook my head. "Kids name isn't there. Castiels gonna have to go fishing." I said Turing my eyes back to normal. Castile didn't hesitate. He shoved his arm into the boys chest and got the name. Balthazar.
Some random angel zapped in. Him and Castile fought,jumped out the window.
"That was badass," I admitted as Castile zapped back into the room. Explained everything quickly about another archangel, Raphael. We watched as Castile put together a summoning ritual. It worked and he got the location.
"What about the kid?" Dean asked.
"I'll bring him home. I'll meet you guys there." I said walking over to the kid. I grabbed his arm and zapped him back to his house. He opened his eyes and started to freak out.
"Calm down kid. You won't get in trouble. We got it covered. Okay?" He nodded. "And try to not sell your soul for things," I told him zapping back to Dean and Sam. "Damn. This place is nice," I said making them look back at me.
"Welcome back," Dean said as we walked into the building.
"Did I miss anything good?" I asked walking with them.
"Not yet," we walked into the room where Castile and Balthazar were and Sam light a circle of holy oil. They got him to give the kids soul back and spill why he took it in the first place. The worth. Which he was right. Castile let him go then he zapped out as well.
"Damn. At least I don't just fucking leave like that," I laughed.
"Friggin angels," Dean scoffed as he stormed out. Before following him I spotted a large bottle of whiskey. I grabbed it and followed.
"Look what I got!" I said holding up the bottle. "Who wants to drink?" I asked with a smile.
"We're good," Dean said.
"Fine, I'll see you asshats around." I said zapping home. "Look what I found." I said handing my dad the bottle of whiskey.
"And why are you gifting this to me?" He asked cocking his eyebrow.
"Got it on a run,"
"A run?" He laughed. "Either way. You know what I like. Thanks poppet,"
I nodded and turned to go back to my room when my dad cleared his throat making me turn back around.
"What?" I asked.
"Pack your things,we're moving."
"Downstairs." He said and my eyes widened.
"You did it?!" I shouted happily.
"You're lookin at the new King of Hell. And don't tell the boys about this. Gotta keep this hush hush. For now," I nodded.


Another shortish chapter but I still hope you liked it!

Please remember to rate and comment so I know how you're liking the story :)

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