"Getting Along"

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We drove for a while with some scattered conversations here and there. Dean pulled into a bar and turned off his car.
"I'm starving." Dean said as he got out of the car. He walked over to my door but I zapped behind him as he opened the door. He turned to see me and jumped.
"I can get out of a car myself you know." I told him.
"How about no demon stuff huh?" He said to me. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. Whatever. I'll just. Walk." I said following him into the bar. We sat at a two person table and the waitress came over.
"Hiya you two. What can I start you off with?" She asked.
"Just whatever beers on tap." Dean said. She nodded and looked to me.
"And you honey?"
"A whisky on the rocks." I told her. She smiled and nodded.
"You got it. I'll be right back." She said. I watched as Dean looked over the menu. He was so focused on picking a food it was amusing. He looked up to me.
"Oh, do you eat?" He asked.
"I mean. Yeah. I don't have to but I do sometimes." The waitress came over and gave us our drinks. Dean ordered some burger and fry's and I didn't get anything.
I sat there awkwardly as we sat in silence yet again. I glanced over at the small stage that had a karaoke machine set up then back at Dean.
"You should go up there." I said motioning to the stage as I threw my drink back in one swig. He followed my eyes then scoffed.
"No way. I'm not nearly drunk enough for that." He said.
"Oh? Then we better start drinking." I laughed as I waved our waitress down. She came over and smiled. "Can I get another whiskey please? And how about a few shots too."
"Can do hon. I'll be right back." She said and left toward the bar.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked me.
"Getting you to loosen the fuck up. You're stiffer then a corpse."
"No I'm not."
"Oh yes you are. You got deaths ring. You saved Chicago. We're on the path to kill my ass of an ex boyfriend. And you're just. So boring. Even demons celebrate little victories." I told him. The waitress came back and out our drinks on the table.
"You're food should be out shortly." I nodded and she walked away. I split our shots, sliding five across the table to him.
"So loosen up and drink Winchester." I said taking a shot.
"Are you challenging me?" He asked picking up his shot glass and taking it quickly, placing the empty glass upside down on the table.
"And what if I am? You really think you can out drink a demon?" I asked playfully, flashing him my black eyes before switching back to my green ones.
"Only one way to find out." He said reaching for another shot. I did the same. We both smirked at each other before doing another shot and another. Before we knew it we finished our shots and he finished his beer. "Not bad. For a human." I said sipping my whisky.
"I'm just getting warmed up Hilda." He said before the waitress came back with his burger. We ordered more drinks and he ate while we waited.
Eventually Dean was pretty drunk and I was just about buzzed. I was in a good spot to where I was relaxed.
"So, you gonna go up there now?" I asked him with a laugh. He looked at the stage then to me.
"Only if you go first." He said with a half smirk.
"Me? I mean. I guess I could. But no falling for me Winchester." I joked.
"Don't have to worry about that. I'm not like Sam. I won't fall for a demon." He said taking another swig of his beer.
"Fine." I said as I walked up to the stage. I looked through the songs and found one.
Celebrity Skin by Hole

Dean had walked up to the closest table to the stage and watched as Hilda walked up confidently with the Microphone in her hand. The music started and off she went. Her voice perfectly fit for this song as she walked around on stage. Her hips swinging to the beat of the song. Before they knew it a small group of people had moved up to watch her. She was a site to see. Dean had to admit that much to himself. He found her so attractive it scared him a little and in his inebriated state it was more obvious. That little voice in his head saying , she's a demon you idiot don't even think about, was drowned out by the liquor. Dean couldn't help but eye her up on that stage. But he wasn't the only one and Dean noticed. A good chunk of the men at the bar had all focused their sights on Hilda and that made Dean feel some type of way. Jealous? Maybe.
"You want a part of me. Well, I'm not selling cheap. No, I'm not selling cheap~" Hilda finished and set the microphone down. A round of applauses and a few whistles shout out as she walked down from the stage. A few men walked up to her but she told them to kindly fuck off as she made her way back to Dean. "So. What'd you think?" She asked as she nudged his arm.
"You sing like a damn angel." He said making her laugh.
"I sing like a demon, but thanks. Now it's your turn Winchester. And pick a good one." She told him.
"Alright. Hold my beer." He said handing her the half empty glass as he walked onto the stage. He fiddled with the machine for a bit before he picked a song.
Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi

Dean started drunkenly singing as Hilda watched from the table,quickly finishing what was left of his beer. She couldn't help but chuckle and giggle at the drunken man on stage. He was definitely putting his all into it but he wasn't really that great.
"That guy up there your man?" A guy said as he slid up to Hilda at the table. She glanced at him then back to the stage.
"What if it is?" She asked.
"Then I'd say you can do a lot better."
"Oh? You mean like you?" She asked cocking her eyebrow.
"Duh," he laughed.
"I'm good." She said turning toward him. "You know what. Actually," she stood up and pressed her body against his. "Let go." She said with a wink. The man's face lit up as he followed her to the back by the bathrooms. Dean watched from the stage as he neared the end of his song. He didn't want to make a scene so he stay until the song was over. He stumbled off the stage and in the direction he say the two walk to. He looked in the mens room and the womens. Nothing. He walked up to the bartender.
"You see where the redhead went?" He asked.
"She left out the back door with Brutus." He said,Dean thanked him then ran outside. He looked around and saw a small alleyway between the bar and the motel.
"Hilda!" He shouted looking around for her. She of corse heard him but chose to ignore him.
"So, what do you say? Sell me your soul and I'll make any woman fall in love with you." She said running her perfectly manicured nails across his bottom lip. "And plus side I'll kiss you real good." The man smirked.
"Hell. You got yourself a deal." He said putting his hands on her hips.
"Perfect." She said before putting her hands on either side of his face and pulling his lips to her. She didn't skimp on her side of the deal. She went in for a long passionate and heated kiss.
"Get away from her!" Dean shouted from the edge of the ally. Hilda groaned in annoyance as she pulled away from the man, her eyes now pitch black.
"Fuck off Dean I'm working!" She shouted back. Dean quickly noticing the change in her eyes and energy.
"Dude get the hell out of here!" Dean yelled.
"Fuck off dude. We were busy." He said grabbing Hilda's hand. She quickly yanked it away.
"Actually we were done." She said and the guy grabbed her hand again. Dean watched from a few yards away.
"Hilda don't!" Dean warned but she didn't listen. She raised her hand and used her powers to lift and slam Brutus into the brink wall. "Shit," Dean said under his breath as she ran over to Hilda. Brutus letting out a cough of blood as he tried to get up. Hilda went to walk over to him but Dean stopped her, pulling out his demon blade. She growled.
"Really?" She asked annoyed as her black eyes looked deep into Deans.
"Get back Hilda. I'll use it." He said gripping the blade. She looked at the blade then back at Dean. Her eyes went back to green and she turned on her heels.
"Fine. Fuck. You're no fun." She said walking away. Dean let out a sigh and went to check on the man. He was fine. Well he was alive. Dean quickly caught up to Hilda.
"The fuck was that? Huh?" He asked her angrily.
"I was working! I got the soul but fuck. You're a real buzzkill." She said.
"Me?! You're the one stealing souls!"
"Stealing?! No ass hole. I made a deal and he took it. That's on him!" She shouted back at him. Her eyes turning black and Dean gripping the blade in his grasp again. Hilda noticed and quickly grabbed it with her powers and pulled it to her hand. "You really think you can kill me?" She laughed. "In your fucking dreams Winchester." She used her powers to throw the blade deep into the wheel of the Impala. "Enjoy the rest of your boring ass drive to Bobby's." She said before zapping out back to her and her dads new hideout.
Dean took a long breath before running over to his Baby. He pulled the blade out and put it back in his jacket.
"Sorry you got hit in the crossfire Baby." He said as he rubbed the trunk.
"About time you came back," Crowley said as his daughter zapped in. He noticed her foul mood immediately. "What happened poppet?"
"Dean Winchester is a pain in my ass, that's what!" She shouted annoyed as she walked off to her room. Crowley chuckled to himself.
"Guess I don't have to worry about those two." He said to himself as he sipped his whisky.


I HAD to add some karaoke! I can't be the only one who loves seeing Dean sing in the show right? Lol

As always. Rate and comment please! I really appreciate it ^^

The Demon Nextdoor(Dean x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon