A Fight

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I sat annoyed in my room for almost three days. I left for a few deals but other then that I stayed there. I don't let things go easily. I heard a knock and looked at m door.
"What?" I asked my dad annoyed.
"The boys made it to Detroit." He told me.
"And?" I asked.
"And I want you to go keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't pull something stupid."
"Why me? That ass hole is going to be there. I want no part of that." I told him with a huff.
"What asshole? Dean or Lucifer?"
"Ugh. Both of them. That's even fucking worse." I groaned. I looked at my dad and sighed. "Fine! I'll go." I agreed and stood up.
"Good. And if it gets too hairy-"
"Come back. Yeah yeah. I know." I said using my powers to slam my room door closed. I walked over to my closet and changed. Black combat boots,dark blue skinny jeans,white tank top and black leather jacket. Good enough, I thought as I looked in the mirror. If I was going to see Luc again I might as well let him know what he's missing. I did my make up quick and zapped to where I felt Deans energy.
Dean jumped a bit as I appeared right next to him. We looked at each other for a moment before I looked into the trunk.
"Demons blood?" I asked.
"For Sam." He told me. I looked up to see Sam and Castile talking.
"Shit. Is this the final good byes?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Yeah, it is." Dean said as Sam walked over. Sam looked at me then to his brother.
"Mind not watching this?" He asked him. Dean didn't say a word before walking away. I patted Sams back.
"Have fun with all that." I said and walked over to Dean. He ignored me and looked at the sky.
"I see you fixed your dumb cars wheel." I said which caused him to look at me.
"Yeah. Thanks for that by the way." He said sarcastically. I scoffed.
"You're the one who threatened to kill me."
"And you're the one taking peoples souls."
"Yeah. Dean, I'm a fucking crossroads demon. It's kind of what I do. And it was all going fine until you fucking showed up." I said crossing my arms.
"I saw you in a dark alley with a random guy I-"
"You what? Thought I killed him? For what reason? Maybe I just wanted a good lay after my deal. What's it fucking matter to you. Unless. You were jealous." I said with a smirk.
"What. No way was I jealous. I just-"
"Just what Winchester?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Before he could answer Sam walked past us ready to go. We both followed him across the street.
"We're here you assholes. Come and get it!" Sam shouted and a few demons ran out the door.
"Hey guys. Your father home?" Dean asked. The demons looked at each other before grabbing the boys. One grabbed at me and I pulled away.
"Watch the leather dick." I said as he grabbed me anyway. I growled and lifted my arm, throwing him across the sidewalk. "I can walk on my own thanks." I said following them up the stairs. Sam and Dean struggling in the other Demons grasp. We walked through a few rooms and we saw him. Lucifer. Standing at the window looking out. The demons shoved the boys into chairs and I stood between them.
"Hi guys. Nice of you to drop in." He said without looking away. "And Hilda. That's a bit of a surprise." He turned toward us and my eyes widened. His meatsuit was not looking good. "You're looking real good." He told me as he scanned over me.
"Yeah, well you kind of look like shit." I told him and he chuckled.
"Hopefully not for long." He winked then looked at the boys. "So, help me understand something. Stomping through my front door. That's a tad suicidal. Don't you think?"
"I want to say yes." Sam told me.
"Excuse me?" Luc asked. Sam took a breath and easily killed the henchmen demons. Luc smirked. "Chock full of ovaltine are we?"
"Yes." Sam said again.
"Wait. You're serious."
"Look. Judgement day is a runaway train. We get it. We just want off."
"I say yes but after it's all over. I live,he lives, you bring our parents back-"
"Okay. Let's just. Drop this whole dramatic acting here. I know you have the rings Sam."
"No- I have no idea-"
"The horsemens rings. The keys to my cage." He walked up to Sam. "Come on Sam. I've never lied to you. Could you at least do the same for me? It's okay. I'm not mad. A wrestling match. Inside your noggin. I like that. Just you and me. You win. I jump in the hole. I win," he smirked "well, then I win. What do you say?"
"Yes." Sam said. With that there was a huge ray of light. I covered my face with my arm and after a few seconds it was gone. Sam was on the ground and Dean pulled the rings from his jacket. I watched as he threw them against the wall and started chanting the words. A hole opened up. Dean got Sam up and they started toward the hole. Sam walked over then paused. I walked by Dean and watched. Sam turned toward us and smiled.
"Just messing with you. Sammys long gone." He said then Closed the gate. He picked up the rings and looked to us. "Told you. This would always happen in Detroit." He looked at me. "Coming with Dollface?"
"In your fucking dreams. Especially not with that moose of a meat suit." He chuckled.
"You'll change your mind eventually," he said and zapped out. I looked over at Dean who was running his hands through his hair. I could see tears welling up in his eyes.
"I-I don't know what to say to help. This is just too awkward for me." I said and zapped back home.
"Well, how'd it go?" My dad asked.
"Sam lost,Lucifer has his perfect suit and Deans crying. That about sums it up." I told him.
"Great." He said looking at me.
"Now what?" I asked.
"We wait and see."

Wait and see he says. I gave it a day but I just couldn't sit around and wait for the end. I zapped to Dean who was now in some dinky cemetery. Infront of us was Lucifer and Michael.
"Hey there doll face. Fancy seeing you here." Luc said before turning his attention back to Dean. "You know this is a new stupid, even for you."
"I'm not talkin to you. I'm talking to Sam." Dean said.
"You are no longer a vessel Dean. You're not part of this anymore. And you-" he said looking at me. "You're nothing but one of my brothers play things." He started toward us when I heard Castile.
"Hey. Ass butt." He said throwing a moltov full of holy oil at Michael. He lit up like a Christmas tree and let out a scream. I followed Dean off to the side.
"Castile. Did you just hit my brother with holy fire?" Luc asked him.
"Umm no- I."
"No one dicks with my brother but me." He said holding up his hand. I could feel my heart racing as he snapped his fingers and Castile exploded. Fuck.
"Sammy. Can you hear me?" Dean pleaded.
"I tried to be nice. For Sammy's sake. But Dean. You're just such a pain in my ass." Luc said before throwing Dean into his car. Then there were gunshots. Bobby hand tried to shoot Lucifer but that of corse did nothing but piss him off. He turned to Bobby and snapped his neck the. Turned his attention back to Dean. Shit. I ran over and grabbed at Lucifer's sleeve. Her turned to me for a moment.
"Don't tell me you're trying to help these idiots Hilda." He said grabbing my neck and dangling me up. "Don't make me hurt this pretty body I gave back to you. So why don't you let the men chat. Okay?" He asked before throwing me across the cemetery into a tree. I felt the bones in my back crack as I hit the tree,hard, then fell to the ground.
"Fuck," I winced as my cracked myself back together. I knew I was no match for him and now that he was pissed. He gets tunnel vision. I looked over to see him and Dean fighting. More like him beating Dean up. "Lucifer please!" I shouted as I zapped over. He chuckled and looked over to me for a moment.
"What? Do you like this guy or something?" He said before punching Dean across the face again. I winced.
"No I -"
"Then stay out of this." He growled and pushed me back again.
"It's okay Sammy. I'm here." Dean said. "I ain't leaving you." Lucifer looked over and went to punch him again but paused. His grip loosened and Dean slid down the car to the ground. I quickly went over to him to make sure he was alive. He was but his face was swollen and definitely broken in a few places. I looked over at Lucifer who was Sam again.
"It's okay Dean. I got him." Sam said with a few pants. He reached into his pocket and threw the rings in the ground. He said the spell and opened the door again.  Sam looked at Dean then the hole and back at Dean. Before Sam could jump Michael showed up.
"I have to fight him Sam. It's my destiny."  We watched as the two fought and both fell into the hole. It quickly closed up and it left Dean a heap on the ground.
"Dean, I'm sorry." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He grabbed onto my jacked and pulled himself into my shoulder and cried. I froze for a moment not knowing what to do so I just. Let him cry it out I was the only one there at the moment.
After a few moments he let go and stood up. I watched as he wobbled to where the hole had been and just kneeled there. I heard a whoosh and Castile was there. I watched him walk to Dean and put his hand in his shoulder.
"Cass, you're alive?" Dean asked.
"I'm better then that." Castile said as he touched Dean, healing all his wounds. Dean stood up.
"Cass are you God?"
"That's a nice compliment. But no. But I do believe he brought me back." Castile then walked over and brought Bobby back to life. We made eye contact for a moment before he walked away. I walked over to Dean and helped him up.
"Are you,okay?" I asked him. He just nodded. "Do you want me to stick around or leave?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I think. You need to be alone for a bit."
"Probably," he said with a frog in his throat. I gave him a half smile before starting to walk away. "Hilda," he said and I looked back. "Thanks."
"Sure thing cry baby." I said with a wink before zapping back to the hideout.
My dad looked over.
"Guessing we won." He said. I smiled.
"We got a two for one. Lucifer and Michael went in the hole." I told him with a smile.
"That's better then excepted." He said sipping his whisky.
"Agreed. Now. I'm off to take a long nap." I said walking into my room.


Hope it didn't feel too rushed!
I really hope that you guys ar enjoying the story so far!
Please remember to rate and comment so I know what y'all are thinking 🖤

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