Chapter 48

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Two Months Later

The compound is unusually quiet today. The men whose families live in the country have the day off to celebrate. Most of the others have found somewhere to spend the day as well. Rosa even decided to cook dinner herself and insisted on giving the maids the day off.

I wanted to open our gifts as soon as we woke up. But Rosa insisted that we should wait until the rest of the family arrives. She pointed out that she doesn't remember the last time she had a proper family Christmas. And she's got a point.

I saunter into the formal dining room. It's been decorated to the nines with wreaths and lights and a tree covered in ornaments. The table has been mostly set except for the gold plated utensils.

"Amore?" I call out.

"What?" Rosa yells from the kitchen. We're separated by swinging doors and Christmas carols play softly from the speakers overhead.

"Do you want me to finish setting the table?"

"No," she all but shrieks, "no. Do not touch anything, Giovanni. Not a goddamned thing."

"Okay, okay," I mutter, backing away from the set up.

I wander into the kitchen and lean against the doorframe. A soft smile sits on my face as I watch her work. She moves around the kitchen expertly getting different dishes ready. Fish, pasta, chicken, all of the courses are being handmade by my gorgeous wife.

"It smells good," I say, pushing off the wall.

"It better," she retorts.

I chuckle and approach her slowly. I'm not going to pretend that I know how to cook and Rosa is very aware of that. Which is why I'm not supposed to be in the kitchen to begin with. She's whisking something in a large bowl and I come to stand behind her. I rest my one hand on her hip and let the other stroke down her belly.

"I just have to pop this in the oven, check the fish, and set a timer," she says, almost to herself.

"I'm sure it'll all be amazing," I reply, kissing her neck, "you're a great cook."

"Grazie," she says as a smile spreads across her lips.

"I'll leave you alone," I say before kissing her cheek, "I'm going to make sure everything is ready in the living room."

"Giovanni Marino do not touch any of my fucking decorations," she warns, "and no peeking."

"Yes ma'am," I reply with a laugh.

The living room has been perfectly arranged for today. Garlands and wreaths hang on the walls with red bows to match. The Christmas tree stretches to the lofted ceiling and has matching ornaments carefully placed. There's a mountain of presents making it hard to see much of the tree and stockings on the fireplace. The couches are angled to face the tree so we can watch one another open gifts.

"Buon Natale!" Victoria's voice echoes through the building.
(Merry Christmas)

Elle and Enzo come running into the living room in matching outfits. I scoop them both up in my arms making them squeal. I pepper kisses across their cheeks until they're both giggling messes.

"Zio Gio," Elle gasps between laughs, "smettila. My hair!"
(Stop that)

"Mi dispiace, tesoro," I chuckle as I gently put them back on their feet.

"Buon Natale," Luca juts his chin in greeting.

I glance over his shoulder before asking, "dov'è tua moglie?"
(Where's your wife?)

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