Chapter 46

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My leg bounces uncontrollably as I sit in the uncomfortable plastic chair. I watch the people bustling through the office. Doctors in white coats escort patients into the back with a smile. Nurses carry clipboards and speak in hushed tones. Women at all stages of their pregnancy sit in the waiting room, most of them alone.

Rosa taps the pen against the clipboard in her hand. Her forehead creases and she chews on her bottom lip. I drape my arm across the back of her seat and run my fingers through her hair.

She turns to look at me and asks, "do you know your insurance information? I don't think mine will apply here."

"What?" I respond, slightly caught off guard, "I don't have health insurance."

"Why not?" she gasps.

I shrug, "never had a need for it."

"Gesù Cristo," she sighs, "they need that information."

"Why?" I scoff, "we're paying cash anyway."

"Here," she shoves the clipboard into my hands, "you go tell them."

I stand and walk over to the nurses station. The woman behind the desk smiles and I hand her the mostly completed paperwork.

"Oh," she chirps, "it seems you didn't fill out the insurance information. Do you need government assistance insurance?"

"No," I shake my head firmly, "we will be paying out of pocket completely."

"That can be quite expensive," she says in a warning tone.

"That's really not an issue," I reply.


"And I have a special privacy request," I continue. I pull the envelope from inside my jacket and place it on the desk. I watch her cautiously take it and open it up. Her eyes scan over the words before she looks at me again.

"This is an NDA," she says, "all doctor and patient interactions are protected and private."

"I know that," I reply, "but neither my wife nor my name is to be recorded in any files. We have diplomatic status from Italy and need to maintain a certain level of privacy and discretion."

"I see," she nods, "I will make a note in your chart."

"Thank you," I smile politely.

"You can have a seat," she gestures to the uncomfortable chairs, "the doctor will be right with you."

I nod and return to my spot beside Rosa. I take her hand into mine and squeeze slightly. I know she's nervous, I can see it in her face, so I gently rub my thumb across the back of her hand.

"What did she say?" Rosa asks, "and what did you give her?"

"I told her that we're paying out of pocket," I reply, "and I gave her a discretionary contract."

"Maria had one of those too," she smiles sadly, "made it hard as hell to see her in the hospital."

"That's the point," I remind her.

"Mrs. Marino," a doctor calls out.

I keep our hands interlaced and lead her over to the smiling doctor. She starts down a short hallway before gesturing to an exam room. We follow her inside where a large machine sits beside an exam table.

"You can hop on up," the doctor says.

Rosa climbs onto the table and leans back, making the paper under her crinkle. I stay close to her side as the doctor moves around the room.

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