Chapter 13

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This is going to sound bad and I'm aware of that but I don't like cats. It's not that I think they're ugly or anything, I'll admit that they're often downright adorable. But they scratch and bite and poop indoors and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't allergic to them.

But Rosa loves them, she loves all animals. I know this isn't going to solve everything but for now, it's the best I can do. She doesn't deserve to feel alone.

I stride into the animal shelter and turn towards the cages that line the wall. Nick walks ahead of me and begins to speak with the woman behind the desk. There's so many lost and scared looking animals, flinching back from the grate when I look at them. Only a sick fuck would hurt something so small and defenseless.

"Boss," Nick calls out and I turn to face him. I walk over to the desk with a polite smile and the woman looks up at us with wide eyes.

"W-what can I help you with?" she asks quietly.

I furrow my brow and address Nick, "cosa le hai detto?"
(What did you say to her?)

"Ho appena detto che sei un uomo importante," he shrugs.
(I just said you're an important man)

I shake my head before speaking to the woman, "I apologize for my companion, he seems to have forgotten his manners."

"That's alright," she says hesitantly.

"It's not," I counter, adding, "I'll make sure to deal with him once we leave."

Her eyes widen and I continue, "I'm looking for a cat. Preferably a kitten, really."

"Follow me," she says as she stands. She rounds the receptionist desk and walks towards a back room. I follow behind her and she reveals a large room full of kittens.

They're climbing on top of each other and playing with toys. Some are sleeping on perches around the room and a few are eating from a large bowl. There's a gate around the cats that comes to about my knees and I can feel my allergies acting up already.

"You can go in," she says, gesturing to them, "see which one you get along with best."

I nod and climb over the gate. Immediately, the kittens flock to me, clawing at my pants and meowing loudly.

"They like you," the woman says softly and I crouch down.

The cats nuzzle into me while mewling and are practically climbing on top of each other to get to me. There's a twinge of pain in my hand and when I look down, a grey kitten has my finger between her teeth. I pick her up in my other hand and pull myself free from the tiny razor blades in her mouth.

"I'll take this one," I tell the woman as I stand.

"She's feisty," she says, finally warming up enough to smile.

I shrug my response and look down at it. The little ball of fur has fallen asleep in my one hand and I scratch behind her ear, making her purr.

The woman leads me back to the front where Nick is patiently waiting. I sign a few forms and toss some money on the desk before starting for the door.

"Sir," the woman calls out after me and I turn to look at her, "there's no adoption fee."

"I know," I reply as Nick opens the door, "but the animals could use it."

I walk outside and climb right into the back of an SUV. Nick gets in front and pulls away. I dig my phone out from my pocket and dial Luca.

"Ciao," he answers the call.

I cut straight to the chase, "there's something I need to tell you."

"What's going on?" he asks.

"Mario Galvanize has called for a council meeting," I inform him.

The line is quiet for a beat before he asks, "did the Franchesci's accept?"

"Yeah," I confirm, "and so did I."

"When is it?" he asks.

"Sunday 11am," I reply simply.


"Saint Thomas the Apostle Church in midtown," I tell him.

"Giovanni," Luca says sternly, "please remember that they still answer to you. You might not have the DiSilva name but you are our Don. Don't let them disrespect you or your authority."

"I know, I know," I sigh.

"I'm serious," he insists, "You can be too nice for your own good."

"I know what I'm doing Luciano," I assure him, adding, "And you shouldn't come."

"Excuse me?" he scoffs.

"You being in the room will take away my authority," I reply.

"I see," he says slowly.

"I'm serious," I insist.

"No, I know. I get it," he says.

"They're going to have a hard enough time coming to terms with it being me," I tell him, "if you come, any respect they have for me would disappear."

"Fine, I won't go," he huffs.

"Grazie," I say.

"I've got to go, I have a meeting with a police chief," he says, "Call me after the meeting, fratello."

"Talk soon," I reply before hanging up.

It's been a very long time since the last family council meeting. The DiSilva family is not the only family within the Italian mafia. The Galvanize have Chicago and most of middle America. The Franchesci's have a hold on the west coast. We all operate in the same markets but are never competition to one another. The DiSilva family is, for lack of a better word, the head of the council.

We have long since been the most successful with billion dollar deals and thousands of properties around the world. We're the only family that has a chokehold on Italy itself which gives us a lot of power. A DiSilva Don is many things, one of which being The Don of Dons.

The last time a council meeting was called, Luca and I were barely 17. We were mid-war with the Russians and were preparing to move our entire operation over to the states. Upon the advice of Don Franchesci and Don Galvanize, we put off the move and the Russians retreated. We were treated like children then, but I hope that over the years they have come to realize that age doesn't matter when it comes to running the family. All that matters is the will to kill and the desire for more.

We always hold our meeting in a church. A neutral zone is hard to come by but even if the church is in my territory, no blood will be shed. No one would dare take someone's life in the house of God.

The car comes to a stop outside the compound and I stride inside. I head straight up to the third floor library where I find Rosa braiding Elle's hair.

Her back is to the door as I walk in and I quietly come to stand behind her. I put my one hand over her eyes and she stills her hands, sitting up straight.

"I have a present for you," I lean down to whisper in her ear.

She grabs my wrist and pushes my hand away as she turns in her seat to face me. Her eyes go wide and a gasp falls from her lips. She looks back and forth between the kitten and me before taking it from my hand.

"She's so cute," Rosa gushes, nuzzling her nose against the kitten's.

Elle climbs up onto the couch beside her and gently strokes down the soft fur, "what are you going to name it?"

Rosa looks at me and I shrug, "she's your cat."

I know exactly what she's going to name it though. For as long as I can remember, Rosa has wanted a little grey cat named Tuono. Her very own little thunder cloud.

"Her name's Tuono," she says softly before looking up at me, "grazie bello."

"qualsiasi cosa per te, amore mio," I tell her sincerely, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
(Anything for you, my love)

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