Chapter 7

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Rosa brings out the lovesick teenager in me. A part of my past only she can unlock. Sweaty palms, stumbling over my words, buying flowers and chocolates. I'd be embarrassed if it was for anyone but her.

She lifts Elle into her arms to sample the different flavors and my heart skips a beat. I've always loved her, there's no debate about that. We used to talk about getting married and having a big family back when we were still teenagers. In my mind, it's always been her. Other women have come and gone but Rosa is the woman I've always been destined to be with, to raise my children with. And she agreed with me for a long time.

But shit changed and life got complicated.

We broke each other's hearts over and over. Whether it be disappearing in the middle of the night to catch a plane half way across the world, or fucking a guard or a maid in the hopes of being caught. It's happened time and time again.

I still love her though. And watching her with Elle stirs something up inside. Maybe it's hope. Hope that the plans we made when we were young can actually come true. That we can get married and have the three little boys she's always wanted.

"Zio Gio," Elle's excited voice snaps me from my thoughts. I step closer to them with a smile.

"What flavor are you going to get?" she asks, reaching towards me. I take her into my arms and she continues, "don't choose vanilla. It's boring."

"Well what did you get?" I ask her, chuckling.

"Mint chocolate chip, chocolate chip cookie dough, and double chocolate fudge," she replies with a grin.

I look at Rosa over her head and she offers a shrug. I shake my head before addressing Elle, "I should get strawberry then. Balance out all of that chocolate."

"And I can get a taste too," she declares.

I place the rest of our order and the employees are quick to scoop out our ice cream. Elle wiggles her way out of my arms and takes her bowl from the counter.

"I'm going to find us a table," Rosa says before crouching down, "you want to come help?"

Elle looks up at me and I give her a reassuring smile. Her brows furrow as she turns her focus back on Rosa.

"No thank you," Elle says, matter of fact, "I don't know you."

Rosa's brows lift in surprise and I turn to the cashier. I'm not quite sure what she was expecting. Elle was barely two the last time Rosa was around and she's grown to be pretty wary of strangers. It's both a blessing and a curse; being cautious will keep her safe but no child should have to view the world in that lens.

"$27.50," the teenaged cashier says.

I hand him my black card and scan the shop. Rosa is grabbing napkins from the dispenser by the door. A few couples dot the inside seats and a worker wipes down the sticky tables. Elle reaches up on her tiptoes, trying to grab a plastic spoon, and I watch her from the corner of my eye with an amused grin.

The cashier hands me my card back and I grab some spoons for us. Elle skips ahead, carefully balancing the mountain of ice cream in her hands. I don't think she's going to sleep for a week if she actually eats all of that.

Gunshots ring in the air and my head whips towards the sound. Rosa is in the doorway of the shop, gun raised and firing at the street. I grab Elle's shoulder and force her to the ground. The windows of the shop break and the other patrons are screaming.

"Close your eyes, Isabelle," I tell her sternly, "stay on the floor until I come back."

She does as she's told, screwing her eyes shut. Tears cascade down her face but the more pressing issue is who the fuck is shooting. I unholster my gun and Rosa turns to look over her shoulder.

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