Chapter 44

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Whoever decided that Paris is the most romantic city wasn't lying. Rosa and I spent the day going from boutique to boutique. She's obsessively buying baby clothes even though we don't know the gender. Tiny cashmere sweaters and designer booties. I stopped paying attention to the prices when we hit the half a million mark.

The city isn't as bright as New York, though. There are still people bustling through the streets, cars honking and peddlers on each corner. But the lights of the buildings around us seem almost dimmed. Like they respect the intimacy of the city they illuminate.

I sit in the leather desk chair in our hotel room patiently waiting for Rosa to be ready. Given that suits are my typical uniformed look, it didn't take much time for me to get ready for tonight.

"Pearls or diamonds?" Rosa asks, poking her head out of the bathroom.

I glance between the two sets of earrings before replying, "diamonds."

"That's what I was thinking," she nods firmly before disappearing again.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out with a frown. Luca. I send him to voicemail and tuck my phone away. I have absolutely no desire to speak to him on my honeymoon.

"Almost done," Rosa calls out, "prometto."

"Take your time, mia amore," I reply.

My phone keeps buzzing and I do my best to ignore it. But he won't stop calling. With a huff, I answer the call.

"What?" I bark, "what the fuck do you want?"

There's a pause on the other end followed by a small voice, "Zio Gio?"

"Elle, tesoro, mi dispiace," I say quickly, "what's wrong?"
(Sweetheart, I'm sorry)

"Daddy took away my dolly," she replies.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and ask, "why would he do that?"

"Doesn't matter," she counters, adding, "I want it back so I took his phone."

I sigh, "go bring the phone to your daddy."

There's shuffling on her end of the line and I tilt my head back. This could only happen to me, I swear. Rosa emerges from the bathroom and my heart rate spikes. She's wearing a deep blue dress that stops just below her knees. Her hair is pulled into an intricate bun and the diamond earrings glisten. It's modest and elegant and absolutely beautiful.

"Hello?" Luca asks confusedly. I shake my head to focus.

"Why did you take her doll?" I cut right to the chase.

"She stabbed her fucking guard," he says plainly.

My eyes widen and laughter erupts from my chest, "why?"

"Who fucking knows. Wait, why are you calling?" he responds.

"I'm not," I say firmly, "if I see your name on my phone screen one more time, I'm never coming back."

"Get fucked," he scoffs.

"I'm so fucking serious, Luca," I reply.

Rosa crosses the room and snatches my phone from my hand. My brows lift as she cocks her hip, placing her free hand there.

"Listen up," she starts, "Sto cercando di godermi questa luna di miele e anche al di là di un fottuto oceano, i tuoi figli stanno facendo i bloccacazzi. Non richiamare."
(I'm trying to enjoy our honeymoon and even from across a fucking ocean your children are being cockblockers. Don't call back.)

With that, she hangs up and hands me back my phone. I stare at her in awe. She's always especially sexy when she's pissed off and now isn't an exception.

Taking The Mantle On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara