Chapter 28 - Rosa POV

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"Ciao Delilah," I say softly as I approach the stall. My chestnut horse trots closer to the door and cranes her neck towards me.

I smile and stroke down her nose. She's a strong horse I've had for a few years now. She's fast and has a pretty gait but is an absolute brat.

I've always let the local kids ride my horses. The kids usually can't afford their own and I don't ride nearly as much as I should so it's a simple solution to both problems.

Delilah is the only horse I can't trust with little kids. The older kids, the ones that ride in competitions, are usually able to handle her. But she's been known to buck the little ones. And that is why one of the barn brats is getting Goose ready.

I pull my tack out from the box beside the stall before going inside. It's a simple process, muscle memory taking over entirely. I slip on the saddle pad before positioning the saddle. Delilah huffs as I tighten the girth.

"Would you stop that," I tell her, patting her neck, "and please don't buck today."

She stomps her one hoof and shakes her neck. I roll my eyes at the dramatic Arabian and adjust the stirrups. I slip her bridle on before grabbing my helmet. I lead her out of the barn and into the fresh air.

I clip my helmet on before mounting my horse. I slip my feet into the stirrups and take the reins. With one small kick, she's trotting towards the ring.

"Ciao Delilah," one of the kids smiles beside the gate, "ciao signora Rosa."

"Ciao," I smile, "can you get the gate for me?"

"Sure," she exclaims, removing the chain and swinging open the metal door. Julia has a lot of potential and I helped to train her for a while. She's one of the few kids that are allowed to ride Delilah. If she wins her next competition, I might just buy her a horse of her own.

"Grazie," I say, leading the horse inside.

"Are you going to do jumps today?" Julia asks. She shuts the gate and puts the chain back in place.

"Sì," I reply, nodding, "do you want to watch?"

"Can I?" her eyes widen, "I won't get in the way, I promise."

"Of course," I say, "do you want to set up the cross poles?"

She nods frantically and runs to the middle of the ring. I watch her passively as I bring Delilah to a trot around the edge. The mare picks up her gait on the second lap and I'm able to get her into a pretty cantor.

Julia scuttles to the side, away from the poles, as I round the corner. Delilah keeps her steady cantor and I post up as we approach the jump but she comes to a dead halt. She kicks the poles and they both fall to the ground.

"Delilah," I sigh, leading her back to the outside of the ring, "why do you do these things? It's not even a high jump."

"She's been doing that," Julia calls out, "I haven't been able to get her to jump in weeks."

"You won't even behave for our star student?" I scoff, shaking my head. Delilah whinnies and I roll my eyes.

"Can I set up a rail jump?" Julia asks as she drags the poles where they belong, "maybe she'll do that."

"Sure," I nod, "thanks for helping."

"I like helping you," she shrugs in response, "you're really good."

"Grazie," I laugh.

She repositions the poles and I take a deep breath. My heels hit Delilah and she picks up her pace towards the jump. I post up and for a brief moment it feels like I'm flying. She lands the jump and continues her cantor towards the edge of the ring.

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