Forgotten Life

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"Have you experienced other powers besides just making light?" Freya asked Stiles.

"I killed this guy that was about to cut Hope in half. Just touched him and he was turned to ash."

Freya looked at Hope and she shrugged innocently.

"Another time me and Hope were making out and I touched a table and that turned to ash too," Stiles said, a bit for his own amusement.

Hope turned red, and she whispered under her breath,"I'm gonna kill you."

"Are there any other signs? Any other abilities?" Freya asked.

"Uh, I've been having some weird dreams," Stiles said,"But that might not mean anything."

"It could," Freya said,"What are the dreams?"

"One of them is a recurring nightmare I've had since I was ten. But lately when I have it now, it seems more...vivid. Real I guess."

"What is it?"

"Walking around in an endless darkness," Stiles said,"Being alone...cold."

Hope's brow furrowed, recognizing the description, but she didn't say anything.

"Another one was that I was fighting someone. I had a sword," Stiles said, and he raised his hand, making a fist like he held it in his hand,"I just felt like the fighting would never end."

"Anything else?"

"I had a dream with Hope in it, but this was in the dark ages and her name was Merlin," Stiles said,"And we were still together then. Do you think Merlin actually existed?"

"He most definitely did," Freya said,"He was the first witch and by far the most powerful because he could create more witches. But no one knows how he came to be a witch."

"Alright, so does Hope being Merlin in my dream mean something or is just one of those weird dreams like going to school in your underwear?"

"Stiles, with your permission, I'd like to enter your mind with Hope. It's a fairly simple spell. Not dangerous at all."

"I'm sorry, what?" Stiles asked,"Going into my--What?"

"It's okay, Stiles," Hope reassured,"It's not dangerous at all. We'd just be going through some of your memories."

Pursing his lips, he looked unsure, Hope put her hand over his, giving it a reassuring squeeze and he nodded.

They made a pentagram made of salt, Stiles took his sunglasses off and Hope helped lay him in the middle of it.

Gathering the rest of the necessary ingredients, Hope and Freya knelt on opposite sides of the circle, and they both spoke the incantation repeating it in perfect synchronization. Stiles closed his scarred eyes, and the world around Hope and Freya went completely white.

They found themselves standing in a white hallway surrounded by neverending doors.

Hope looked down either end of the hallway, not finding an end to it.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Hope asked her aunt.

"Anything that could involve fire since that seems to be the main factor of his powers. But we should stay together, if he's a Demon Wolf, we don't know what kinds of dangers he has in his mind."

They went to the first door that they heard a sound come out of and they were standing in an old abandoned bank, the vault door hanging open.

Stiles was tied to a chair, his eyes closed, his head cast downward like he was trying to hide something.

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