New School

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Scott guided Stiles into the restaurant, his cane in hand, moving from side to side across the ground.

"We got a few stairs coming up," Scott informed him.

Stiles nodded, even though he already knew. The sounds of the restaurant, scraping of chairs gave him enough of a visual using echolocation.

They walked down the two steps and they sat at a booth, and Stiles collapsed his cane and put it in his pocket.

"Can I get you boys anything?" A waitress asked.

"Stiles?" Scott questioned, looking toward him.

Stiles just shrugged, not knowing what could be on the menu.

"Just two coffees please," Scott said, giving a polite smile to the waitress.

She nodded, going off into the kitchen.

"How are you doing?" Scott asked him.

"Scotty, we've been over this," Stiles said.

"Over what? I'm just asking how you were doing," Scott replied.

"My sight's gone but my nose picks up chemosignals, remember? And you have that sympathetic tone you always get," Stiles replied, annoyed.

Scott sighed, both surprised and impressed,"I'm still never getting used to that."

"Yeah, well my Dad isn't either," Stiles said,"This is like the hundredth school we've been to this month. First New York, then Chicago, Austin, now wherever the hell we are. Where are we anyway?"

"Uhh... Mystic Falls, Virginia," Scott replied as the waitress set their coffees down in front of them,"At a restaurant called the Mystic Grill."

"Damn, that's a horrible name," Stiles said, and the waitress paused.

"He didn't mean that," Scott told her.

"Crap, she's right next to me isn't she?" Stiles asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"It's alright," She told him, and Stiles could sense her smile, and he smiled back, turning his head in her general direction.

Stiles heard her walk away and he turned back towards Scott,"Is it just me, or do girls find me more attractive now that I'm blind."

"I think you're confusing attraction with sympathy," Scott muttered"Sorry!" He said immediately.

"Finally!" Stiles said,"Finally you grew enough balls to diss me."

"You wanted that to happen?" Scott asked incredulously.

"Yeah, you've been acting like I'm some big baby that can't take a hit," Stiles replied,"Can you pass me the sugar?"

Scott grabbed the container of sugar, and grabbed Stiles' hand and placed it in it.

"Thanks," Stiles said, about to pour a little bit in but he paused when he caught a scent,"Do you smell that?"

"Smell what?" Scott replied.

Stiles breathed in the smell again, it smelled really good. Like strawberries with a bit of cinnamon, but also something else, a slight wolf smell. And very female.

"She's walking in right now," Stiles said, inhaling the scent more.

"She?" Scott asked, looking around in confusion.

"You seriously don't smell that?" Stiles asked in confusion.

"No," Scott said, still looking around.

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