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Hope let out a shaky breath before walking into Alaric's office,"Hi."

Alaric looked up from the paper he was reading,"What happened?"

Hope took a deep breath,"You know how I was trying to find a way to heal Stiles' eyes."

"Yeah," Alaric said slowly,"And I said you shouldn't mess with things like that."

"And I ignored you," Hope said,"But during a spell, that did involve dark magic, something happened to him."

"What kind of something?" Alaric asked,"You didn't kill him, did you?"

"No," Hope said immediately,"But... something bad did happen. He's not physically injured so that's good."

"What. Did. You. Do?" Alaric asked.

Hope opened her mouth to answer but was suddenly cut off by the sound of a baby crying, and she winced as Josie came into the office holding Baby Stiles.

Alaric's jaw dropped at the sight of the baby.

"He'll only stop crying for you," Josie told Hope, handing him off to her, and Hope held him awkwardly, never having much experience with babies.

"Say hi to Alaric, Stiles," Hope said, waving Stiles' chubby hand at Alaric.

Time Skip

"It's only temporary," Emma told them and everyone let out a breath of relief, Emma smiled at the small baby squirming on the ground on top of a blanket,"He is such an adorable baby," She cooed, tickling his belly.

"How long will he be like this?" Hope asked, preferring her boyfriend to not be a baby that long.

"Could be a week or two," Emma said, lifting Stiles into her arms and bouncing him, and he brought his hand to his mouth, chewing on it,"In the meantime we might need to get some baby supplies."

Alaric gave the task of going to the store to his daughters, getting the diapers and baby formula.

"We have some clothes in storage somewhere," Alaric said,"We can set a crib up in Hope's room."

"Wait, why my room?" Hope asked, turning toward Alaric.

"Consider this your punishment," Alaric said, smiling smugly,"You made this mess, you get to take care of it."

Hope stammered, but looking down at Stiles' baby form she couldn't help but love his toothless smile at her.

"Fine," Hope grumbled,"It's just for a couple days, right?"

Then Hope smelled him and she gagged.

"At least you get to learn how to change a diaper for child development," Alaric said, earning a glare from the Tribrid.

Time Skip

"Please, please, please stop crying," Hope said, holding Stiles, walking around the room to try and get him to stop crying.

He didn't need to be changed again, he wasn't hungry, and he wouldn't sleep. All he did was cry.

The twins had put a soundproof barrier around her room, so only she could hear Stiles' wailing.

"Just tell me what you need," Hope said, laying him down on the center of the bed as his crying refused to let up,"Do I have to play peek-a-boo with you?" She demanded, hiding her face behind her hands before opening them and saying,"Peek-a-boo."

She must have done it twenty times before she gave up, picking him up she laid him back down in his crib.

His cries felt like a hole was being punched through her head over and over again, as she got on her computer and literally googled how to make a baby stop crying.

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