Full Moon And A Summoning

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Stiles had a permanent smile on his face as he laid on his cot, facing the ceiling.

"You seem happy," Emma said from outside his cell, while the other wolves snarled at her as they paced their cells,"And in control."

"I'm just in a good mood I guess," Stiles said, it was true he had it under control but he still felt the full moon in a different way. Instead of filling him with rage and making him want to kill anything that moves it's more like he had endorphins injected directly into his brain,"I kinda feel like singing too, that's normal, right?"

"I suppose," Emma replied, looking at him warily, wondering what could have happened that put him in this mood.

Change Of View

Hope hummed as she painted, her lips still buzzing from her first kiss from Stiles.

"Are you humming?" Josie asked, walking into the art studio.

"Yeah," Hope said,"I'm allowed to hum."

"I know, it's just you haven't done anything remotely similar since... forever," Josie realized.

"There's nothing wrong with being in a good mood," Hope said, wiping the paint off of a brush.

Josie got a closer look at Hope's face,"Your lipgloss is a little smeared."

Hope blushed, wiping the smudge away from her bottom lip.

"You kissed someone?" Josie asked in shock.

"I'm a young single woman," Hope replied,"I'm allowed to kiss people."

"Who was it?" Lizzie demanded, having heard the whole conversation,"You kissed, now tell."

Hope blushed,"It's none of your business. It might not mean anything either."

"Is it a boy or girl?" Josie asked.

"Boy," Hope said.

"Alright, that narrows it down to a select few," Lizzie said, the wheels in her brain turning.

"Why would it do that?" Hope asked, confused.

"Because you despise half of the boys in the school and the other you mildly tolerate but no romantic attraction," Lizzie said.

Hope blinked, surprised that she knew that much about her love life.

"So, unless you got back together with Landon... Or Rafael came back from the prison world, that would leave... STILES!" Lizzie said her eyes widened,"I thought he was afraid of all that touch-touch shit."

Hope only remained silent, neither confirming or denying the fact that she made out with Stiles.

Change Of View

It was halfway through the night when Stiles started getting the usual effects of the moon.

He winced as his eyes suddenly started to glow.

His fangs tore through his gums and he spat out blood as he sat up.

Stiles threw himself onto the ground as he growled, he took off his glasses, and crushed them in his hand. His foggy vision was suddenly filled with red and it cleared. And he saw, his eyes darted around looking at the other wolves through the bars of his cells.

He snarled, trying to walk towards the bars, but the chains around his wrists held him back. He roared in fury pulling against the chains.

Stiles fell to the ground, his bones stretching, snapping as they rearranged themselves. His skin became darker, becoming a dark gray. His muscles bulged and swelled, black claws growing from his fingertips.

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