Girlfriend's Family

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Hope walked into Alaric's office, swallowing nervously.

"If you're here to complain about the party ending, I don't want to hear it," Alaric said immediately,"I already have my daughter's giving me the silent treatment."

"It's not about that," Hope said,"When me and Stiles went out tonight, we were taken by hunters."

Alaric's eyes widened,"Are you okay? Where's Stiles?"

"He's just outside," Hope said,"And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier."

"About what?"

Stiles then took that as his cue to walk into the room, looking at Alaric with glowing orange eyes.

"Hi," Stiles said, equally as nervous as Hope.

He snapped his fingers and a flame appeared on his thumb, almost like a cigarette lighter.

"We got some things to talk about," Stiles said, snapping his fingers again and the flame disappeared.

Time Skip

"So it's fading?" Hope asked.

"Slowly, but yeah, it is," Stiles replied, the glow of his eyes starting to fade.

"I have an idea," Hope admitted,"And you're probably not gonna like it."

"Okay...what is it?" Stiles asked nervously.

Hope told him and his jaw dropped.

"Oh, hell...I'm gonna die."

Time Skip

"It's just going to be a week," Stiles told his father through the phone,"I'll still be home for Christmas."

"I know, I do have a good excuse," Stiles said as Hope waited patiently for the call to finish,"I'll tell you when I get home...Alright...yeah, I love you too. Bye."

"He sounds like a good Dad," Hope told him.

"Yeah, he is," Stiles said, but there was something off about his expression.

"Are you okay?" Hope asked him.

"Uh, we're skipping to the part of the relationship where we meet each other's families. And from what I've heard around the school meeting yours sounds like I should be more than a little concerned."

"Do you...ever think we rushed too fast into this relationship?" Hope asked nervously,"It just kind of feels like we've crammed six months into two."

"Maybe," Stiles admitted,"But I feel like I've known you for a lot longer than that...does that make sense?"

Hope leaned up and kissed him,"Nope. But I feel the same way."

Alaric had this rule of no sleeping in the same bedrooms with their significant others. Hope and Stiles had managed to skip out on that rule a couple times, but Alaric had told them both personally not to do it.

Stiles laid alone in his bed, his eyes open but still unseeing.

He slowly smiled when he heard something outside his door and Hope opened the door and slipped inside.

"Couldn't sleep?" Stiles guessed as Hope climbed into the bed with him.

"Been tossing and turning for the past hour," Hope said, laying her head against his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her,"Me too."

They were silent for several minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

"Tell me about your family," Stiles said,"So I know what to be prepared for."

Hope sighed,"My Aunt Rebekah will love you, but she'll try not to show it at first. Freya, she'll be more than a little over protective, good thing she'll have Keelin to keep her cool but she'll still help us figure out what else you are. Uncle Kol is probably already plotting your demise. Marcel will probably the most understanding, but he might want to fight you to see who's stronger."

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