First Date

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Stiles opened his eyes smiling, taking in the familiar red haze with a new perspective, tonight was the night he had been waiting for all week.

"You seem happy," Hope said, turning towards him, keeping the covers around her, the air chilled from the November temperature.

Stiles' wrapped his warm arms around her, pulling her closer and she hummed, loving the heat he provided for her.

Their lips met in another kiss, what could have been their hundredth that night, or morning, they still didn't know what time they went to sleep. Both of their lips were still swollen from the kisses they shared.

"You are so good at kissing," Stiles mumbled against her lips.

"I must be with the way you keep coming back for more," Hope replied, rolling on top of him as they continued to kiss.

"Don't we actually have somewhere to be tonight," Stiles reminded her.

Hope smiled,"First date?"

"Mmm-hmm," Stiles said, giving her another kiss before trying to stand up but Hope pulled him back down.

"Don't go yet," Hope whispered to him,"You're nice and warm."

Stiles smiled down at his girlfriend, his first real girlfriend. His Dad's probably gonna act like he was kicked in the balls when he finds out.

Hope closed her eyes, laying her head back down on Stiles' chest.

"You know you have a lot of restraint, right?" Hope mumbled.

"Not really," Stiles said, his hand gliding down her hair, loving the feeling of it,"My mouth gets away from me a lot."

"That's not what I mean," Hope replied,"We spent half of the night kissing and you didn't even try to have sex with me."

Stiles' hand stilled,"We've literally been dating for a week and I'm still a virgin," Stiles reminded her.

"Still," Hope said,"I know how much you wanted to. But you held yourself back. If it wasn't for how you were dressed I'd say you were gay."

Stiles chuckled,"You are the second person to have told me that. And I held back because I want you to be okay with it, you're my first girlfriend. And you might be my first for a lot of things, so I want you to be okay with every first, second and everything after that."

Hope was then kissing him again, smiling as she did it.

"What was that for?" Stiles asked, not really objecting to being kissed.

"Just for being the amazing person that you are," Hope said,"And I really like kissing you."

Stiles couldn't agree more, the taste of her lips was like a drug to him, all he wanted was to keep kissing her. So he did, he leaned up and kissed her lips again.

His tongue swept into her mouth and she moaned, they rolled so he was the one on top.

Hope bit down on his tongue, making him growl. Hope started to draw his shirt up his torso and he broke away long enough to tear it off, and he captured Hope's lips back in his own.

Hope gasped when her hands felt the bare skin of his chest, he was probably the most muscular person she has ever been with. He was the first of a lot of things for her, and she hopes maybe one day she could be all of his first things too.

Hope giggled when he started to kiss down her neck, his stubble scratching against her neck.

His hands moved under her hips, and when one of them slipped beneath the hem of her shirt to the small of her back she was rendered breathless.

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