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Excited to dive in with the Chosens into a more thrilling adventure? Don't fear, the sequel's finally here!

Excited to dive in with the Chosens into a more thrilling adventure? Don't fear, the sequel's finally here!

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I never thought not-so-ending endings were harder to write than your usual The Ends

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I never thought not-so-ending endings were harder to write than your usual The Ends. And with the mess I've placed myself into, it's going to be even harder from this point onward haha. But for now, I eventually managed to finish another book and it's all thanks to YOU, dear reader!

Whether you're a silent reader, a comment-spammer (my favorite lol), or someone simply passing by, thank you so much for supporting my work! Without people like you, I don't think I would be writing this note for you to read right now.

What's next after this? Well, there's definitely a Book 3 coming soon (yay!!), and it will come out later this year, give or take. Though, with me navigating the world of college (yikes!), it might take a while for me to outline, draft and edit chapters for you to sink your teeth on. I don't want to rush into things like I did the last time so yeah, it might take a while.

But you can always read more of my works in my profile! If you need of more fantasy in your life, check out the "More by the Author" chapter for more info!

If you aren't too busy, I hope you take a little bit of time to answer the questions below! I want to know how readers see the story and stuff. You don't have to answer everything, even a single one will help me very much!


General Stuff:

Did you enjoy the story?

• Who is your favorite character in the book so far? Why?

• Who is your least favorite character? Why?

• Which chapter is your favorite?

• Which scene is your favorite?

• What is your favorite line(s) in the book? (It could be a character's dialogue or just a normal line of the narrator!)


More Specific (and Probably Fun) Stuff:

Which Olympian god/Chosen would you wanna be? Why?

• If you get the chance to own an Olympian Artifact (that's revealed so far), which one would you pick and what would you use it for?

• Which Titan (or other god) reincarnates are you looking forward to seeing in the future?

• Do you want a ship(s) to sail in the series? If yes, which one(s) are you looking forward to? If no, state why you don't want any romance to happen. (I'd love to know your answers here!)

• On a scale of 1 to 10, how impactful was the last five chapters of the book? Do you think the climax should have been longer/shorter? Why? (Keep this line as spoiler-free as possible please!)

What does this book/series remind you of? (Other than PJO lmao, I've been told that more than once)


Future Plans (that may or may not come true heh):

Do you have any theories on what will happen in the upcoming sequel(s)?

• If I had to write a spin-off/prequel based on a character, which one do you think should have the spotlight?

• Continuing the previous question, what do you think should be the spin-off about? (It can be a serious or silly idea! Who knows, I might write about it one day!)


Suggestions and Feedback:

What can I do to make this book better in terms of plot?

• What can I do to make this book better in terms of its characters?

• What can I do to make this book better in terms of other technical aspects (prose, pacing, grammar, etc.)?

• What things would you like to see more/less of? What part of the book do you want me to keep as it is?


If you reach this far, thank you so much! If you answered, I would definitely take note of your ideas and feedback when I think of seriously revising Thirteenth Unleashed (and my other books) in the future!

If you reach this far, thank you so much! If you answered, I would definitely take note of your ideas and feedback when I think of seriously revising Thirteenth Unleashed (and my other books) in the future!

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