Chapter 08 ▴ Of Light and Mortality

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The crackling rod shot out of Zeus' fingertip the second his calloused hand let go of the briefcase

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The crackling rod shot out of Zeus' fingertip the second his calloused hand let go of the briefcase. Its blue color was faint from where Amelia stood, but it was clear enough to be seen by the other spectators for them to gasp in shock.

It hit Hendryx straight into his chest, causing him to tremble violently before falling on the floor. For a few moments that seemed to stretch into a minute, he twitched and turned with his eyes wide open before he slowly stopped. As everyone stood silent, the question of whether the man was dead circulated in their heads.

Except for one.

Leonidas tread towards Hendryx, ignoring Zeus and Ivy who shuffled away with the briefcase as he came close. He knelt down and stared at his twin, his silver-gray gaze heavy with. . .

With what exactly? Amelia thought. He looks mad for sure, but I. . . can't see through his thoughts. Something's not right.

"What. . . have you done?" Leonidas asked, his voice deep, turning to the two people who had the suitcase. "Why did you do this?"

"I. . . I'm so sorry," Zeus breathed, his hands shaking on his sides. "It was an a-accident—"

"Accident you say?" Leonidas frowned. "Taking our briefcase and causing a scene didn't look like an accident. Give it back."

"I—we. . ." Zeus stammered, and Ivy took one of his hands and held it. Zeus glanced at her and gave her a tight smile. For some reason, this made Amelia's eyes narrow a little.

"We can't give it back to you," Ivy said, her tone as firm as it could be. "We're really sorry, but it's not supposed to be yours."

"I beg to differ."

He placed a palm above Hendryx's chest, and to everyone's surprise, a blue light appeared from Hendryx and traveled onto Leonidas' hand like tiny sparks. Before anyone could make sense of what was going on, he faced his palm to Zeus and in a snap, a glowing spear pierced through Zeus' chest.

Ivy shrieked.

Roaring in pain, Zeus collapsed on his knees. The crowd who was only watching screamed and burst into a stampede as they headed to the staircase where Amelia waited. She quickly climbed the rest of the stairs before it was overrun by people running for their lives.

"Come on, hurry!" Amelia said as she ushered them to go down.

Uttering a battle cry, Athena brandished a pair of daggers and ran towards Leonidas. The man stood up and conjured another spear which he launched at her. Amelia stretched her arm out and a green barrier appeared in front of Athena, protecting her from the projectile.

Leonidas turned around and faced Amelia, his head tilted to the side. "Well, hello there."

"Who are you?" Amelia growled. "And what did you do to Zeus?"

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