Chapter 15 ▴ The Goddess' Warning

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A flash of red ran past oblivious visitors in the local Ancient History Museum

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A flash of red ran past oblivious visitors in the local Ancient History Museum. The place was buzzing with activity, and a little girl was among the ones that made it even more chaotic. Behind her, a man barely in his thirties chased his foster daughter, a bead of sweat forming in his forehead.

The two eventually reached the Greek History section when the man enclosed his girl into a bear hug. The little girl squealed loudly, causing a few—mostly amused—heads to turn in their direction.

"You got me! You got me!" Young Amelia giggled. "Now I'm it!"

Chuckling, Benjamin settled her down and ruffled her hair. "Mel, you're not supposed to run around. We'll get kicked out of the museum in no time."

"But I'm sooo bored!" Amelia whined. "Can we just go now? I'm hungry."

"But we haven't seen the rest of the displays yet."

"I don't wanna!" Amelia stuck out her tongue. "We visit this place all the time! We can see the rest of the stuff the next time we go back here."

Benjamin sighed. "Fine. We can go—"


"—but we'll check this one out, alright?" Benjamin continued, gesturing at the Greek History section. "After that, I'll buy us some ice cream."

"Okay. . ."

Amelia pretended to look uninterested in front of her dad, but in her head, she was smiling. She didn't really mind staying a little longer, especially when it came to looking around her favorite part of the museum.

Most people would flock over the Ancient Egypt or the Middle Ages sections, but ever since she took a step where she and Ben were now, she fell in love with all things Greek. There was something about the out-of-this world stories and art that caught her eye.

Well, except for the nudes. Ben would make her shut her eyes close until they went pass those, which made her even more curious to see them.

With a cheeky grin on her face, Amelia hopped around the Greek History section. She said hello to Ajax and Achilles, both painted in a vase as they played a game. She scrutinized a faded mural of Hades and Persephone—she was surprised that she could even make out their forms. She roamed the room so many times that she was pretty sure if the displays could talk, they would recognize her at first glance and wave back. If they had hands.

But there was one display that Amelia didn't bother to spare a glance: a statue of the goddess Hera.

The statue was one of the marble displays that wasn't missing a limb or threatening to crumble. Unlike the other statues with odd sizes and poses, Hera simply stood straight like a normal-sized person. She wore a simple chiton dress and some sort of crown above her head. Her hand held a simple staff with a peacock sitting on its top.

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