Chapter 13 ▴ Messenger of the Dead

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Amelia didn't know for how long the tears were falling from her eyes, but she knew it had been a while when she realized that she was in a car driving away from the El Toro Resort

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Amelia didn't know for how long the tears were falling from her eyes, but she knew it had been a while when she realized that she was in a car driving away from the El Toro Resort. They still had their stuff in their rooms, but that wasn't important when the Titan Mafia were at their tail.

But they didn't get into a car chase though. At least that was what she heard from her friends while they were talking. Claudius' men didn't even bother to think about it. The moment the five of them were out of the hotel and into the bustling streets of Las Vegas, the armed men just went back inside. No shouts, no shots. Nothing.

And now, here they were. Poseidon was in the driver's seat of a rented car with Ivy sitting in the passenger seat beside him. She was all cheery while talking to Poseidon as if nothing happened back in the hotel. Her sudden shift in mood startled Amelia, but that didn't distract her enough with the thoughts running rampant in her head.

I'm the one who killed your uncle. Mel.



She grasped the hems of her emerald dress, an angry voice whispering at her to rip it to shreds.

"Ames, come on. Say something." Zeus, who was sitting between her and Athena, held her by the shoulders, making her face him. Almost all of his face was shadowed over by the darkness inside the car, but his blue eyes glowed as he gazed at her in genuine concern.

Amelia's lips quivered, but she dared not say a word.

He gently wiped her tears with his thumb. "You were screaming at something when we were getting out. But then more guards came and I literally had to drag you out. What happened? What did you see?"

Sniffling, Amelia shook her head vehemently.

"Come on, it's okay. You can tell us." He smiled. "You can tell me."

"N-no, I can't. . ." Her words came out hoarse. "I can't."

"Will you at least tell me if you're okay?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

No, she wasn't okay, and she might never be. Not with what she witnessed in Claudius' mind.

At first, she couldn't crack through his mind the first time she saw him, which was similar to when she and her friends encountered the Titan twins Hendryx and Leonidas in Turkey. Back at the hotel lobby, he let her see he was thinking. It was only a glimpse, but it was just enough for her chest to tighten.

Claudius somehow became Ben.

"It is him." Amelia fought back her tears from coming out once more. "Or was him."

"Who?" Zeus asked, letting go of his hold on her.

"She's talking about Benjamin," Athena said. "That's why Claudius looks like the spitting image of him, isn't it? Benjamin is Claudius."

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