Chapter 33 ▴ Negotiation

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Thinking of the worst-case scenarios seemed to become Amelia's hobby

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Thinking of the worst-case scenarios seemed to become Amelia's hobby. As she passed through the campus gates, she expected that the Titans had done worse inside the school by wrecking or burning it all to the ground, just like what Rhea did with Kingston Manor. With what they had made them go through, she wouldn't be too surprised if they did. But she hoped it wasn't true.

Amelia breathed a sigh of relief when all of the buildings she could see were intact. Nothing seemed to be missing or out of place. Except for the countless bullets scattered on the ground. And the large crater gaping at the doorstep of the principal's office. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know how it came to be.

Turning behind her, her frantic gaze met with Alistair's. Unlike her, he was still as calm as usual while he carried Hephaestus' large hammer. Just behind them were Hendryx and Leonidas herding them towards the replica of Parthenon that was the principal's office. A dreaded figure in an all-white suit waited for them by the door.

Amelia steadied her breathing as much as she could. This wasn't the time to be distracted or have a panic attack. There was no point of either when she already established that Claudius wasn't Benjamin.

Claudius Constantine mocked a small bow. "I almost thought you'd never come, Mel."

Screw him for using Ben's nickname for me, she thought angrily.

"Well, you thought wrong," Amelia grumbled. "Where's Poseidon and Ivy?"

"They're alive, that much I can assure you." Claudius turned his focus to Alistair. "But I don't think they will be for much longer with him around."

Alistair placed Ignis in front of him, his gaze narrowed. "There. Now, if you don't mind. . ."

"Not so fast, lad." Leonidas grabbed Alistair by his arms. "The boss is not done with you."

Alistair screamed, his face suddenly twisted in agony. Amelia gasped as she realized Leonidas was using his power on him.

Amelia swiveled to face Claudius once more, nostrils flaring. "Stop it! This isn't what we agreed on!"

Claudius looked at her as if she had done something wrong. "We? You didn't listen to my instructions, so he pays the price."

Alistair continued to scream. Amelia wanted to help him up so badly, but with her being surrounded by Claudius and Hendryx, there was no way that was happening. Besides, he might get something worse than a taste of Leonidas' power if she moved an inch. And Sei and Ivy, wherever they were, might get it too.

Alistair's cries of pain seemed to last for an eternity before Claudius waved Leonidas off, making him let go of his grip. Alistair collapsed on his knees, breathing shakily.

"That's enough," Claudius said. "The rest of the Artifacts, then. If you please. Oh, and do it gently on the ground, hm?"

Gritting her teeth, Amelia lowered herself on the floor and put the three Artifacts in her possession by Claudius' feet, glaring at him the whole time.

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