Chapter 3: New Enemy's

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The NightCrawler seems appalled that I even had the balls to do that and seems to get agitated "You abide by me now no one else." It says with an ice cold tone in its voice "Hey bitch news flash I don't look like you. You DIDN'T win that battle and I'm still me. Sucks to suck doesn't it." "Then why can you hear what I am saying? If you were truly the victor in the battle this wouldn't be happening. Now let. Me. Out." "Make me you Barney the dinosaur ripoff. If Dora asked you a question you'd get it wrong." You say as you walk out about to snap someone in half.

How has that thing managed to make me pissed off and it has been what a day? I need to distract myself with something and I know just the thing. Exploration. I haven't really explored this place and I heard there was an area covered in snow and it sounds peaceful and magical as fuck and I need that right now. I know there is a way to access it through the garden so I began walking there.

Walking through the garden, obviously wanting it to be peaceful, was wrong about that. The Figs that I accidentally talked to fly's down "guys guys! This is the one! The one who can understand us!" As 3 more Figs fly down I wish I was unborn or my dad had protection. "Well we're waiting for you," one of them says with an asshole tone to it. Something in my brain tells me not to respond but looking at the first Figs with its hopeful eyes will make me die from heart break if I don't. "Uhhh well you don't have to wait anymore?" They all began to have their mouths agape and I just walked away not wanting to deal with the questions.

making it to the hallway with glass allows me to see the snow area. It is rather small with cave walls and roof and a bunch of snow that doesn't seem to show signs of melting. I open the door and walk in surprised that instead of it being frigid it's actually a nice warm temperature. Like almost to the kind where you're constantly praying for a breeze but not quite there. I sit down on one of the cave walls and begin reflecting to myself. 'This is really the predicament I got myself in. I mean the pay isn't this good so maybe I can just quit and find a new job being like a vet or some McDonalds employee. Maybe an athe-' my thoughts get cut off from the sound of...arguing?

"I'M TELLING YOU IT WONT WORK AND AS YOUR LEADER I DISREGARD IT" I hear a gruff voice say. "YES IT WILL BUT YOU DON'T TRUST ANYONE ANYWAYS WHY WOULD I EVEN TRY" wow they are going at it. I mean who is it? Maybe it's a couple arguing so let's take a peak.

as they are still arguing about a mysterious problem I locate the source. It seems to be behind a wall that is fake and seems to not be solid so obviously I peek my head through it.

holy shit what the fuck?! It seems to be a bunch of goos but they are different? I've never seen them before, meaning they are new. There seems to be around 7. The two that are yelling seem to be higher up in the hierarchy? Is that what's going on? One of them is a cat-like creature, maybe a panther with pure black fur and glowing red and yellow eyes. The other one is a shark that's purple with light purple pretending out of most areas. I don't get time to look at all of them when a wolf-like creature with headphones points in my direction "Guys a human!!!" Fuck uhh distraction "¿Qué?" Ok, their distracted time to run.

I turn in the other direction and make a mad dash for the door, almost breaking the button slamming on it. As the door is opening I turn around and see 4 of them coming out. 3 of them are ones I've seen but there's one more that wears purple party glasses and has a wolf-like form like the other one. The door opens and I literally Mario kart drift to the garden hoping I'll get a speed boost maybe. I know you don't look behind you when running but lik- JESUS CHRIST GO FASTER I run out the garden then have an idea. They have fur so maybe the flooded area will be helpful. I run through the hallway sitting at the automated door literally pushing myself against it. It opens and a skirt getting soaked in the water in the process. Wait the shark. I look around and see a pipe sitting on the box. That looks like a great weapon so I pick it up and await my demise. As they charge in, the panther laughs. "Wow this humans dumb go on Pauras kick his ass" I ready the pipe as it enters the water brandishing its teeth at me. Looking at it I can already tell it is impatient thrashing its tail anytime I make a movement so I'll wait for it. My predictions were correct as it makes the first move trying to go in for a cheeky grab. I move to the left a little, putting my foot out causing it to trip. It tries to retain balance but I wont allow that will I? I hit it in the back of its head pushing him to the ground. "WHY ARE YOU SO WEAK IT'S A HUMAN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD." The panther screeches. I look at the shark on the ground. Defenseless and prone. Who knew it was so weak. If only I didn't notice its weakness. If I don't kill it, it will get back up and try to fight me.

🗡🩸(Gore warning)🩸🗡

I raise the pipe high in the air aiming for the back of its head. I put all my adrenaline in my arms and swing down in full motion. I hear a sinister crack as the shark becomes lifeless. The pipe is bent so badly it is unusable so I throw it away. The water around the shark's head starts to become purple indicating it is bleeding.

🗡🩸(Gore ending but it get depressing)😥😭

"Pauras?" The one with headphones askes the shark which I am assuming to be the named Pauras. "H-Hey I didn't mean what I said." The panther says. The wolf with purple party shades takes off the shades tears forming in its eyes. "Hey your idea was good w-we can do it later?" The panther who originally was big and bad says visibly shaking at its friend's body. "Kibou we got to go, that thing could kill another one of us" The wolf with party shades says as he grabs the unmoving headphones wolf and the panther and quickly dashes out. Looking down at the body reality starts to settle in. Holy shit I just murdered somethi- no someone. You run through the flooded area. It is weird how there is no shorks to be in sight. They are probably hiding from you. Your first thought is to go back to the holding cell where the NightCrawler is. While walking there you didn't see a single goo. This gave you time to think. What is this strength I've never had before and why was I so aggressive and know how to battle??? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO BATTLE! Making it to the holding cell you open the door and your jaw drops so low you might break the floor. Where the NightCrawler should reside, no one. Looking at the door you notice a gigantic hole looking to be freshly burned off. How did it escape?!!

The blowtorch.

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