The A/N telling people about stuff

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HELLO readers. This is the second story I've written and published (The first one got disowned) so I do hope you enjoy it. This story and my writing style in general is different but you'll have to bear with me. This book is based off a game called Kaiju Paradise which is a roblox game which is a pvp game basically idk how to explain it you'll just have to read it yourself. Here are some bullet points for you guys in case you're curious.

1. I will be releasing this story in parts. So the updates (If there are any) will be very late but contain a buttload of reading.

2. THIS IS VERY GAY. the pronouns and stuff don't matter you can change them to your hearts content but this is gay only for the smut I will most likely write.

3. I am unhinged and write some stuff that might upset people maybe?? I'm not good with that stuff so if I write anything that might be bad for people there will be warnings of.

4. This is setted before most of the goos have been discovered. The list is here:

(Warning: none of these names will matter if you don't know the game so here is a list of them just incase my descriptions are that bad )










Lemon Shork





5.I write when I want to, which is sometimes on the same day or in a different week or on my phone or on my computer so if the writing style changes in the middle of a chapter or something doesn't add up uhhh I goofed.

So I hope you enjoy this story because god has abandoned me LETS GO

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