Chapter 1: The First Black Out

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*2 days later*

Being a janitor here is almost like babysitting. I haven't talked or interacted with almost any of the 'goos' in the facility but the ones I have interacted with are just big children. I wasn't taking the infecting thing seriously until one of my friends stepped under a shadow near the entrance. He turned into a thing we call a ToxicRabbit which is a green rabbit. It was awful watching it happen, almost like someone was getting consumed by acid. He was screaming for help and I couldn't do anything. After that I didn't try to talk to anyone in the facility except for a girl named 'Rue' she ran the café. She hung out with the SprinkleKit and Mochi which I tend to mostly avoid but we exchange some eye contact some times. Speaking of café I'm kinda hungry so I make my way over there from the flooded area where I usually just chill obviously ignoring the Shork because that thing has to much energy for me

When I get there the 2 goos that are normally there are obviously there. Noticing the mess that the SprinkleKit left behind that it always does because IT IS CONSTANTLY LEAKIN- sorry janitor rage. I go up to Rue to begin a conversation

"Hello Rue how are you" I say with a smile walking over to the counter. "Hi (Y/N) haven't seen you in awhile, what will it be today." "Can I get a burger with Ice cream?" "Yes coming right up!" As I go to sit down I swear that SprinkleCat was staring daggers at me.....Eh it's probably nothing. I get my delicious food telling Rue to have a good day. As I consume this burger like I haven't eaten in 5 days I get a bad feeling. Like that someone is watching me. knowing this place it's probably something. NAAAAAH probably my imagination I mean what could possibly go wrong now of all times

"Sudden disturbances within the power grid"

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

"Unable to initiate low power outage mode"


"Please stand by..."

Ok so I'm going to assume that whatever just happened has never happened before ever but I'm just going to ask like a normal human being. "Rue what just happened please explain!?" "I have no idea. But bye!" She says this as both her and SprinkleKit dive behind the counter. Mochi hides behind a crate so I plagiarize that idea and hide behind one of the crates as well.

1 hour later

I know this is for my safety and all but this is the most boring thing I've ever experienced in my life. I have never had to pee more in my life because playing hide and seek and hiding immediately makes me on the brink of pissing myself. It hurts but whatever, I'll just go use the bathroom. It's just across the hall right?? I won't die right??

YEAH I WON'T DIE I GOT NERVES OF STEEL but a bladder of a child. I get out of my hiding space and tip toe my way there. Sneaking there I almost step on a SprinkleKit puddle. Now I know they don't infect me but I'm going to kill that thing. I make it there and do my business without any problem. Well these problems I did not think about. Because there is no power I can't flush the toilet. More importantly, I can't wash my hands. I don't want to be classified as a hypocrite but I also can't stay in the bathroom like everyone stays in the bathroom during hide and seek. I would die. I put 5 pumps of soap on my hands and scrub FEROCIOUSLY. I might as well not have hands. I walk out taking a stroll and remember I have to be sneaky so I do so.

Walking out I put my foot on something and slip on it making a loud sound and hurting my ass on the cold hard floor. The puddle "Ohnononononononono"

"Something is coming"

The one time my intrusive thoughts win is now and they were definitely correct. I ran faster than Usain Bolt and jumped behind a box. I hear footsteps quickly coming and I wished I was never existent. I heard it stop and I could feel the presence of something in the area as I looked out slightly. It looked different then I could ever imagine.

It was fluffy. It had a gray coloring everywhere except the underbelly which had darker gray with glowing purple markings, the same pattern being with its tail which looked like a lizard tail but it was just extremely fluffy. The top being gray and under the tail is dark gray and a purple glowing streak. The most remarkable part of it was its goggles which had 3 eyepieces and glew purple, smoothed fur which resembled gloves, and a tool belt with ammo pouches and a fucking blow tourch.

"Do you feel safe?.."

Ok intrusive thoughts it's 2-0 and you won't win again but before that happens I need to get out of here. There has to be something in this box right? Bottles. Just bottles. This will work. I mean I've hit a couple things in my life so I got this. I run out of my hiding space, put as much power I can store in my arms and swing like no tomorrow. The glass shatters on its head and it doesn't move. It looks like it didn't even hurt. "oooooooo I'm just gonna uhhh"

I bolt faster than the speed of light. I've never ran faster before. My legs passed their capacity the moment they touched the ground but I didn't care. The adrenaline in my veins has never been so much. I look behind me and see it's in a stance like it is powering up. I then start to hear intense music as I look back and it's moving fast. Like speeds something shouldn't be able to reach. I try to keep running but I'm out of energy. It catches up to me and wraps its arms around me, trapping me in its grasp. I try and try to escape but it is no use.

I feel something liquid get on me and spread through my body. It feels awful as it dawns on me what is happening. It is about to complete when I find my inner strength and break out. Instead of the goo continuing to spread it just goes inside me. I don't have time to ponder this as I look around. I notice I am at the barrier and run inside grabbing the bat and with some weird ungodly courage I didn't know I had I run at it and swing. "WAIT MINION" it tries to say as I hit it with the bat. It staggers but I don't let up. I hit it again and again and again till the bat broke on it. It seems to be knocked out but hopefully it's dead but I don't think I'm that lucky.

"Power at sufficient level. Turning on appliances."

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