Chapter 47

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The Imperial Army prepared for a week to be fully ready for the great war. Imperial knights were training to master new fighting techniques as well as learning new magic incantations that could help them.

As for the women, they took lessons in making quick remedies as well as treating simple and serious wounds. It was Doctor Ondynol and his wife who took charge of these.

Once everything was prepared, the army left the palace, leaving behind some servants, a group of Imperial Knights, Duchess Lobelia, Countess Taliny and Madam Sofia with Susan to protect and guard the palace in their absence.

The trip took them exactly three days before arriving at a few kilometers from the place where Captain Arminel had told them about.

"We'll set up the tents here. Make sure to put the food supplies in one side and the medicines in another," Arthur ordered.

With these words, everyone began to work. The Imperial Knights had the task of setting up the tents and collecting the wood to make the fire. They were helped by the stone-like knights who had much more strength. While in the other hand, the women pulled away the food supplies to prepare dinner for everyone.

Once everything was prepared, the knights gathered around the fire while waiting for the dinner that the young girls prepared for them with care while discussing together.

"We haven't gathered like this since the expedition to hunt down the mage Abras, three years ago," Eric remarked.

"That's so true, yeah… I remember we sat together like this every night," Lucas replied, nodding his head.

"As for us, we haven't gathered like this since the great war against Vuglonith," Angus retorted, a nostalgic smile on his face.

"This atmosphere we're in is almost the same as the great war against the Demon King," Arthur added.

"Yeah, that's true... Except that now, we have sons and daughters who have come with us to join in the fight," Edgar said with a small smile.

Hearing those words, Arthur glanced at his daughter who was busy serving dinner with Azusa.

"Yeah... They grew way too fast for my liking..." Arthur muttered with a sad smile.

"Mmm... I think this is another way of saying that Luana has reached marriageable age too quickly and Arthur is sad about marrying her to Lucas," Angus teased.

The emperor burst out laughing accompanied by the other Imperial Knights until they had tears in their eyes.

"No... Not at all... Lucas is a very good man... I know that Luana will be extremely happy by his side and that he will take very good care of her..." he answered, very confident.

The young captain's cheeks flushed with shyness before lowering his eyes to the ground.

"It flatters me so much that you think that way of me, Your Majesty..."

"It's going to be father-in-law instead of Your Majesty soon," Matthew teased even more.

"Do you know, Your Majesty? Lucas is an extremely cold person when he is with other people. Especially during practices with the Imperial Knights. But when Luana is around, he becomes like a huge teddy bear. Very soft, very nice and above all, very shy," added Eric with a mischievous smile.

"Thank you so much for the nice description, Eric," the young captain replied sarcastically.

"You're welcome, My Friend! That's what friends are made for, after all!"

On those, everyone dined together in joy and good humor while telling stories and memories, as well as jokes.

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