Chapter 8

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Duke Slater was shaking with panic and fear. It was very dark in the room and he couldn't turn to see his attacker's face.

"W-Who are you ?! What do you want from me ?!" he asked nervously.

"Put down your weapon... Now !" the person behind him ordered harshly.

Slater dropped his dagger to the ground.

"I've already warned you, Slater, not to come near His Majesty and Her Highness if you wanted to stay alive. But apparently, I wasn't clear enough," added the aggressor coldly, bringing the blade closer to his neck.

Rufus's body stiffened in horror and an icy shiver ran down his spine.

"C-Captain K-Koraxos ?! W-What's going on ?! W-What do you want ?! What's the meaning of this ?!" he exclaimed.

"That means you've fallen into our trap... Grand Master..." replied a female voice from across the room.

"W-What ?! Who's there ?!" slater asked with a start, completely frightened.

Suddenly, the lights flashed in the room, revealing Luana and Angus in front of him.

"You ?! How ?!" Rufus exclaimed, gritting his teeth.

Angus walked over to the emperor's bed, looking Slater in the eye. Then, he pulled the covers away.

"Impossible..." Rufus whispered, not believing his eyes.

In place of the emperor, there were pillows placed vertically to imitate the shape of a human's body.

"You misled me ! Where is he ?! Where is that damned Arthur ?!" he asked angrily.

Lucas tightened his grip on him, making him scream in pain.

"Calm down, traitor," he ordered menacingly.

Slater stopped moving and kept his mouth shut, scared of what might happen to him.

"He's in a safe place where traitors like you can't get to him," Angus replied coldly.

"This is the end for you, Rufus Slater. Guard !" Luana called while giving him a look of pure hatred.

Under her orders, the guards entered the room quickly.

"Take him to the dungeon," Luana ordered.

Lucas delivered Rufus to the guards who handcuffed him.

"Let go of me ! Let go of me, you miserables ! You're going to pay dearly for it !" he yelled angrily.

The guards left the room, dragging him with them.

Luana turned to Angus.

"Dad's safe, isn't he ? There's no risks that another traitor will attack him ?" she asked, worried.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. Sir Carter and Eric are with him now. I'll join them too. We have nothing to worry about for now," he replied.

"Good. Now we just have to extract informations from this traitor. He must know a lot of things," Luana said angrily.

"Leave it to me, Your Highness. Go get some rest. You must be very tired," Lucas suggested.

"No... I want to talk to him myself... I want to know what made him do all of this. But I need your help."

"I'm at your service, Your Highness," he replied, bowing.

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When they got to the dungeon, the guards locked Slater in a dark and wet cell.

"Open up ! Open up, bastards ! I'm Duke Slater ! You're going to pay dearly for it, do you hear me ?!" he yelled angrily.

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