Chapter 25

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In the city of Myrefall, which is a few miles away from the capital, in the mansion of the Kalmivs, Dale was in his office, standing near the window that overlooked the large, well-decorated courtyard with a huge fountain and various flowering bushes.

The sky was gray and cold. Perfectly reflecting the winter atmosphere.

The marquis gazed at the landscape in silence until he was pulled out of his thoughts when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," he ordered, sighing and rubbing his temples.

It was Roshua who entered the room. He was dressed in a white shirt, black pants and a pair of boots of the same color. The young man advanced slowly towards his master before bowing to him.

"Good morning, My Lord," he greeted with a cold expression on his face.

"Good morning, Roshua," he replied.

Dale turned to his servant before walking over to his desk and sitting down.

"Is there anything new about the Lemgan massacres ?" he asked, putting his elbows on the desk and crossing his fingers under his chin.

"Yes, My Lord. It appears that the threat has been eliminated once and for all and everything is back to normal. The massacre has ended."

The marquis' eyes widened in surprise before he straightened himself up to look at the young man straight in the eye.

"How come ? Did Roxy fail in her mission ?" he wondered.

"We don't know the details of what happened, My Lord. But it appears that someone took care of the problem and fixed it."

Dale clenched his fists really hard in anger before hitting the hard surface of the desk violently.

"I can't believe it ! How did this happen ?!" he growled.

"She must have underestimated her opponent's power and let her guard down. That's why she failed."

"That's for sure... She was always too proud and too pretentious for her own good... Never listening to what she was told... And now here she is... She got her fingers in her eye..."

"It's a good thing that it was her snake that perished and not her. Otherwise, it would have badly affected The Order."

"If she doesn't get her little gray cells working and she continues to behave that way, believe me, next time it will be her turn."

The young servant looked down at the floor thoughtfully.

"My mood just got screwed up. I can't believe it !" the marquis added angrily.

"There's something else, My Lord," said the young man.

"What now ?" he asked in disgust.

"You received a letter this morning," he answered, handing the item to him by placing it on the desk.

“A letter ? From whom ?” wondered the marquis, taking and examining the white envelope.

"It's an anonymous letter. There's no name nor address marked on it."

"That's all that was missing. Who could send me such a letter ?"

Dale opened the envelope slowly and unfolded the sheet inside before reading its contents.

┌─────── ∘◦❁◦∘ ───────┐

Meet me tonight at 8 p.m.
at our usual place. I have something
important to tell you.

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