Chapter 38

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With these words, Luana attacked him with much more force than before. The black mark on her neck intensified as did the light emanating from Roxy's chest.

"Come on! Let's get this over with!" encouraged the latter impatiently.

While wanting to hurt the young captain with the dagger again, the latter blocked her attack and took her wrist, squeezing it very hard in his hand.

The young girl tried to free herself by throwing a punch with her other hand which was also blocked by the young man. He leaned towards her and put his face closer to hers, looking at her coldly.

"You're the cause of all this. Whether you like it or not. It's because of you that we're in this situation," he said very dryly.

"No... No... It's not true..." she whispered.

Her eyes began to change color simultaneously, going from brown to purple and vice versa. Roxy felt an excruciating pain pierce her chest that made her groan.

"Poor idiot! Don't listen to what he's saying!" she screamed angrily.

"You know that, Luana. You know very well that deep down, none of this would have happened if you hadn't been born from the start," he continued.

"No no !" the girl screamed in agony.

"You must have been dead at birth! You have no right to live!" he added reluctantly.

The young girl let out a big, abominable scream while the black mark on her neck shone powerfully before a light of the same color came out suddenly from it and went to pierce Roxy's heart.

"Argh! What did you do?! What did you do, you jerk?!" she growled in excruciating pain.

The purple-haired woman fell heavily to her knees on the ground, blood pouring from her mouth and chest.

"You're going to pay for it..." she whispered, clenching her fists in anger.

While trying to advance towards the two young people to fight them again, she was attacked by Leo from behind who smashed her to pieces with his claws and canines in seconds without giving her time to react. The woman evaporated like black dust into the air.

Luana's eyes returned to their original color before she broke down in tears as she fell forward. The young captain quickly caught her up and took her in his arms, hugging her very tightly.

"I didn't kill her... I really didn't... I didn't want it to happen... I swear... I had nothing to do with it..." she whispered, sobbing and clutching the young man's shirt with her hands.

"I know... I know... I'm sorry for saying such awful things to you..." he replied, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm a monster... I hate myself... I hate the day I came into this world... I should have died with her... I should have died with my mother..." she continued while sobbing even harder.

Listening to these words, Lucas felt a pain pierce his heart. He should never have said those things to her. But it was to save her and free her from the hypnosis. Despite knowing this, he felt enormous guilt because of the girl's condition.

"Don't say that... Your existence is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me, Luana... Never say that ever again..." he whispered.

The young girl, no longer able to resist the fatigue and emotional exhaustion she had received, passed out on Lucas' arms. The latter carried her gently before calling on Leo to place her on his back.

After that, he climbed up behind her and hugged her tightly to keep her from getting cold as he ordered the animal to return to the palace.

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