Chapter 34

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Arminel went to the magic portal that led to the hideout where the leaders of the order always gathered. He stood in front of the huge rock, putting his hand in the middle of the big stone before reciting the magic incantation.

"Open up," he whispered.

Once the purple light from the portal faded, the former captain entered it. He walked down the long hallway which was lit by small candles.

'I hate this place,' he thought bitterly.

A few minutes later, he found himself in the meeting room with the large round table that was surrounded by chairs.

"Welcome, Arminel," greeted a slightly muffled voice.

The voice belonged to the person who sat on the throne at the end of the table. The chairs were all occupied except for three, one of them belonged to the former captain.

The latter advanced slowly before sitting down in his place between Marquis Kalmiv and Hastia.

"We were waiting for you to start our meeting," the Grand Master added coldly.

The latter wore a mask that completely covered his face and a long hooded cape that covered his head. As for his clothes, they consisted of a black set with a pair of boots that came up to his knees.

"What news do you bring back from our dear friends?" he asked sarcastically.

"Well, Master. It turns out that the royal family discovered Hector's plan," Arminel replied.

The leader of the mercenaries, who was seated opposite to the former captain, banged the table hard with his fists in anger.

"How is that possible?! Who told them about this?! Our plan was top secret! There's no way they found out without getting any help!" he exclaimed, enraged.

"There's no point in yelling, my friend. What's done is done," Hastia replied calmly.

"So? How did they know about the plan, Arminel?" asked the Grand Master.

"I think they hired a very powerful mage to work for them. From what I understood, he hypnotized one of Clanti's servants into revealing everything to them," he explained.

"You think so? You're not sure?" Solen asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I didn't see him personally. I feel like they're doubting me and that's why they hid him so I wouldn't see him," he replied.

"How can we be sure it wasn't you who betrayed us, Hector?!" exclaimed Velthur in anger and doubt.

"Is that really a question you're asking me? I'm risking my life out there to bring information to the order and that's all you can think of to say to me? Accusing me of being a traitor?" he growled in displeasure.

"This really isn't the time to argue, guys," Roxy remarked, very annoyed.

"Instead of that, we should think of a new plan," Hastia added.

The two men glared at each other before calming down a little bit.

"The Imperial Knights aren't going to attack the mercenaries anytime soon, from what they said. So, Velthur will have enough time to prepare for the fight," the former captain explained.

"One month. That's all I need. One month and I'll have finished reciting the incantation and I'll be able to eliminate them all," the mercenary's leader replied.

"You will have enough time and even more. They're aware that they're not facing an ordinary army. So, they decided to take a little more time to work out their strategy and train more," he continued.

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