Chapter 21

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Dale Kalmiv walked towards the throne with his daughter and the white haired man, which caught the attention of Duke Lobelia and the emperor who were chatting.

Once their gaze layed on them, Angus widened his eyes in shock, while Arthur let nothing show.

Arrived in front of them, the marquis and his companions bowed.

"Good evening, Your Majesty. Thank you for your invitation to this ball," he greeted.

"Good evening, Marquis Kalmiv. Thank you, also, for accepting my invitation," Arthur replied calmly.

The Marquis turned his attention to Duke Lobelia.

"Good evening, Duke Lobelia," he greeted with a smirk.

"Good evening, Marquis Kalmiv," Angus replied coldly.

"Your Majesty, you probably know my daughter Cecilia," Dale said, gesturing to his daughter.

"Yeah, I've known her since she was little. I don't recognize the young man next to her though," Arthur replied curiously.

"This is quite normal, Your Majesty. This is the first time you have met him. Let me introduce you Roshua Afonso. My new personal assistant and also my daughter's bodyguard."

"Nice to meet you, Your Majesty," Roshua greeted, bowing.

"Me too, Sir Afonso."

"I didn't know that you had a new personal assistant, Marquis Kalmiv. Nor a bodyguard for your daughter," Angus remarked.

"I had to do so, Your Grace. Considering the circumstances and events that happened lately, I have found it essential to hire a bodyguard for my daughter. We never know what can happen in the near future."

"What about the personal assistant position ? What did you do with Sir Ivone ? He served you for so many years, didn't he ?" asked the emperor.

"Yeah, that's correct. But, as you already know, Your Majesty, my wife's parents got very sick. So, she had to go back to her hometown to take care of them. That's why I had to send Sir Ivone with her to accompany and take  care of her there."

"I see..."

An uncomfortable silence settled down. Dale decided to break.

"Excuse us now, Your Majesty," he said.

"Yeah, of course. Enjoy the evening, Marquis Kalmiv," replied the emperor.

Once the small group moved away, Angus turned to Arthur.

"I don't understand what this man is doing with Marquis Kalmiv."

"Are you talking about the man with the white hair ? Roshua ?"

"Yeah. It's clear that he was the stranger who tried to incriminate me. Marquis Kalmiv said he was his personal assistant and also his daughter's bodyguard. How is that possible ? How come he didn't realize he was harboring a criminal ?" he exclaimed.

Arthur stayed silent, deep in thought.

"Arthur ?" Angus called, puzzled.

"I'm afraid... that the person who wants to get rid of you, Angus, is not Roshua... but Dale Kalmiv..."

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In the middle of the night, Luana decided to go out into the large terrace to take in some fresh air, while Lucas took the opportunity to walk towards the throne and talk with the emperor and Duke Lobelia.

The young princess stopped in front of the balcony railing and leaned against it before raising her head to the sky to contemplate the beautiful luminous stars. She took a breath of fresh air, then sighed heavily.

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