The rooms

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Saiki pov

Two of the four bodyguards went inside the actual room/floor, while the other two stood at the elevator. I stared at the floor that had been brought by Metori's father. The entire top floor was split into two. One side was the main one we were going to use it was a full house with a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, while the other hotel rooms only had a bedroom and bathroom.  Yara Yara. This is going to be a long two weeks. But at least the room Metori had chosen for me had unlimited room service and I can order as much coffee jelly as I desire. And then he had to try to make me fall for him more than I already had by buying two rooms for us. At first, I was just confused considering we often slept in the same bed and I couldn't read his mind or understand why he would feel the need. Plus I was sorta looking forward to spending my holiday with him. So I asked him. "Why did you two identical rooms for us?" He smirked at me. "Aw, are you going to miss me at night?" "No!" I kept a stern unbothered face but my mind kept racing. This was unusual behaviour for me. Saiko's smirk turned into a soft smile. "Well in case you're uncomfortable with me being in the same room as you all the time, wanted space or  privacy I thought that it would be smart to get two separate rooms and so I-." There was a knock on the door which interrupted him. I walked away from him to open the door only to be met by Teruhashi and three of Saiko's staff members. The staff were holding Saiko and my bags/luggage. Saiko walks up behind me and stops in surprise at the sight of Teruhhashi but brings his attention to his father's employees. "Bring the bags into our bedroom." He moved out of the way to let them in and then he looked at me before adding something else to his order. "Thank you." The bodyguards and employees all looked shocked but the staff just left and put down our bags. The two by the elevator were cutting Teruhashi from entering and one of them asked if we wanted her to enter. It was immediately clear that she had tried to persuade the guards to allow her to enter. I looked at his face and there was a slight blush on his face (in all honestly it's kind of creepy that a bunch of middle age men just fall for an underage girl.) but surprisingly he never let her have access to our room. 

Saiko's pov

I look at the man in front of me then at Kusuo who takes off his ring and says no to me telepathically. He also seems more tense than usual. "No Osuke. We have far too much to do." 'I  need to be more respectful towards these people' Osuke nodded and I closed the door. I overheard the Guard talking to Teruhashi but it was too muffled to understand. However, when I turned to look at kusuo I noticed the small smile on his lips and then when I looked at his hand I realised he had never put his ring back on. So I believe it is safe to say that Teruhashi probably wasn't haven't the most perfect thoughts at the moment and was not keeping up her perfect pretty girl behaviour. I chuckled and watched Kusuo put back on his ring. We walked into our shared bedroom to see that the three plebs- I mean workers from before standing next to our luggage waiting to be dismissed by yours truly. I got my wallet from my pocket and handed the worker 1000 yen each before I dismissed them. 

Teruhashi's pov (btw I'm going to purposefully miss-spell certain people's names just to make it more accurate for her character)

I had managed to get the man at the repetition to tell me what room Kunio Saiki was staying in only to find he was sharing a room with ugh Moteri Saiko. Then Tahahashi offered to help carry my bags to my room. That is an offer no woman should turn down especially if they are as perfect as me but then again there is no one as perfect as me. I walk toward the elevator with Tahahashi and press the first floor. It turned out he was on the same floor as me so we walked to my room together and he tried to come into my room with me. Now what an average pretty girl would say is 'Leave you creep.' but I'm not just pretty on the outside I'm pretty on the inside as well. "I'm sorry but I have a lot to unpack. I'm sorry." "Oh wow. Yes, It's totally fine Teruhashi." Tahahashi walks away with his two bags and my eyes were drawn to the sound of an elevator stopping. I looked at Nendo and three random people, who looked uncomfortable, next to him in the elevator. I was honestly surprised that Nendou knew which room was his. At first, I assumed that the people in the elevator were just other guests at the hotel but when I looked closer I noticed that the uniforms had the name Saiko on. They were going to Saiko and Saiki's room to drop off their bags. I had already put my bags into my room and locked the door before walking into the elevator. They had already pressed the top floor so I just pressed the close button and received a confused look from one of the workers. "Ma'am, are you going to Mr Saiko's room?" I had to gain my composure and smile at the woman. 'They're not even saying 'oh wow' ugh how dare they.' "Oh yeah. I'm friends with his..... boyfriend." I smiled and the others seemed not to mind or notice my slight hesitation. 'I know for a fact that Saiko brought his bodyguards with him as always but I don't doubt I would be able to convince the guards to just let me in without permission from their boss.' Soon the elevator came to a stop and I realised I only knew what floor they were on but not the room. Two of the bodyguards at the door eyed me wierdly before one of them tapped a button on their watch. So I casually followed the staff pretending I was told what room they were in and was definitely allowed to be here. I smiled at the guards and one of them immediately followed me to the door The same woman from before knocked on the door while the others put the bags down for a second. The door opened to reveal Saiki and soon after Saiko approached behind walking with two more bodyguards. "Bring the bags into our bedroom." He told the the woman who knocked. "Thank you." In all honesty, everyone there was surprised, well except from Saiki and Saiko but that seems understandable. The bodyguard still cutting me off from entering the room, which i guess is their job. The workers entered the room and the bodyguard brought me to Saiko's attention by asking if I was allowed to enter. I watched as Saiki took of the ring he'd been wearing all day and put it in his pocket. Saiko stared at Saiki for a minute before saying "No Osuke. We have far too much to do." The man who apparently is named Osuke nodded at him before trying to take me back to the elevator. 'What the-' The door was closed and I was left with Saiko's bodyguards. 'He didn't even ask Saiki for his opinion or what he wanted. How can that be healthy? Oh. I know what i need to do.' I walked calmly into my room from the elevator and started my plan while unpacking my bags.

1330 words

Sorry I havent updated anything but I'm working on writing and completing drafts.

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