The class trip

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Teruhashi's pov

I walked through the school with my followers following me. Why wouldn't they? I'm the prettiest girl at school. Maybe even the world. Never mind, I'm the prettiest girl in the universe. My heart sank as I saw Saiki blushing as Saiko laughed. I am going to make him straight. I want him to be in love with me. I had no idea why he didn't love me more. Sure he acted nervous about me (He wanted you to leave) and even his boyfriend fell for me. We have a beach trip coming up and I will make him mine.

Kusuo's pov

Metori was making 'romantic' jokes. "I'll be the 6 if you are the 9." "I hate you." He laughed as I turned redder than a tomato. We heard the bell and began walking towards class. He made jokes the entire way there.

Time skips to a day later.

Metori was watching me use my powers to pack away some clothes for the trip. "So why are you taking the entire class to some beach," I said as I looked out the window. "Well, I know you don't like attention so technically the attention won't be all on you since everyone will be on a beautiful beach. Ever since Metori and I made it public that we were dating we were getting a lot of attention. "That's sweet," I said smiling at him. "Not as sweet as the coffee jelly in the fridge. That was so good." "So you were the one who ate it." "Oh shit." 

Time skip to a week later.

Metori's pov

Kusuo and I boarded the plane with the rest of the class. I put Kusuo's small bag in the cabinet above us and then I sat next to the window and Kusuo sat next to me. He began to hold my hand and I realised that he was wearing his ring, so I could think about how much I hated Teruhashi without him getting annoyed. I looked at the food menu that was placed on every seat and looked for something me and my amazing boyfriend could share. I showed the menu to Kusuo, who took the menu and said "Why are you looking for food when we just put our seatbelts on." "I wanted to see if you wanted to get some cake but never mind." He laughed and began to play on his phone.  I once again grabbed Kusuo's hand as we were told that the plane was going to take off. I didn't like planes taking off as it always scared me and Kusuo knew that so he began to squeeze my hand back to make sure I was okay.

Teruhashi's pov

I walked onto the plane and was going to try to sit next to Saiki but I couldn't because Nendou, Kaidou, Kuboyasu and Saiko were sitting next to him. I managed to get Nendou to swap seats with me. Some stranger offered to put my bag in the cabinet and I gladly accepted. I overheard Saiki laugh and saw him and my boyfriend holding hands. 

Once the plane landed we all went to the hotel. I looked around at the 5-star hotel and couldn't believe how beautiful the decor was. However, I knew I could do better. I stared at Saiki and Saiko who had already checked in and were handing out keys to people's rooms. Or Saiko passed them to a worker who did it at random and walked with Saiki to the elevator.

Saiki's pov

I pressed the button for the top floor. Metori said he had gotten me the most expensive room there was. I couldn't wait to see it.

619 words

Coffee jelly and loveWhere stories live. Discover now