The first greeting

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Saiko's pov

I walked into PK academy, the school Kusou Saiki goes to. I went into the office and talked to the lady there, well my bodyguard did and went to my new class. When we arrived the entire class was already in there, including the pink-haired boy. Something about him is special. 


The teacher said there was a new student all of the class was happy to get a new classmate. Well everyone except Saiki and Nendou, Saiki didn't care and Nendou didn't know what was going on. Kuboyasu was thinking about how 'If the transfer student is rude I'll end them.' Saiki sighed knowing who the new student was, he really didn't want to deal with Saiko. 'Yara Yara.' Thought Saiki. Soon enough, Saiko walked through the door his bodyguards walking around him. When Saiko got to the front he looked around and said "I don't have time for you plebs. I am here for one person only."

All of the boys and girls thought Teruhashi was the person he was looking for. So obviously everyone was surprised when Saiko walked towards Saiki's desk. 'Saiki loves me right, He isn't gay right!?' Thought Teruhashi. "Would you like to go to a nice restaurant after school today?" Saiko said. "No." When Saiki said this most of the class was even more shocked. "Please sit in your seat so we can start our lesson." Saiko began to walk towards his seat and the lesson started. Ever since that day awful things had been happening to Saiki, his family and friends. No one knew what was going on, except for Saiki. 

Saiki's pov 

It was the end of the day most students were still inside I was about to go home when I saw Saiko at the exit. I walked up to him, I wanted to yell at him for what he was doing to my friends but I kept my composure. I tapped his shoulder. "What do you want pleb. Oh, Saiki are you here to accept my offer?" He asked me shooing his bodyguard to walk away. His bodyguards were still quite close but out of ear-shot. "No, what are you doing to my friends?"  He looked at me and replied with "If you go on a date with me I will stop, deal?" I knew I had to agree so I did, for my friends.

398 words

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