The date

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Today was the day of Saiki and Saiko's date. Saiko understood that Saiki never liked attention from people so he made his driver take a small car, that was quite popular in Saiki's neighbourhood. On his way to Saiki's house, he saw an injured cat outside. He immediately stopped the car and grabbed the cat quickly. Every one of his bodyguards and workers are trained vets and doctors, so obviously he made them help the stray cat. 

Saiko's pov

I had a cute black cat purring and sleeping on my lap. We pulled up to Saiki's house and I saw him waiting at the door. He walked up to the car and I made my driver open the door for him. When Saiki saw the cat his face immediately lit up. He looked at the cat and quickly looked away. "Do you wanna hold her?" I ask him. Saiki only nodded, picked her up and stroked her. The driver began to drive towards Saiko's house. 

Saiki's pov

I know that I said I don't really like animals because most of the time they are rude but this cat was different. ' These humans are so nice. I'm glad they could help me!' This was what the cat was thinking. She was so cute and nice. Adorable! "Do you want to keep her?" I heard Saiko ask me. I knew I couldn't because mom is allergic. So I explained this to Saiko and what he said shocked me. "Ok, how about I keep her and you can see her whenever you want." Of course, I agreed she is too cute not to keep.


The car soon stopped at Saiko's house. When he got there he offered for Saiki to come inside with him while he orders his workers to get stuff for the cat. Saiki agreed and held the cat close to him, while he walked into the house. He walked next to Saiko, who brought him to his room. They put the cat on the bed and walked back to the car. Saiki used his powers most of the ride to make sure Chibi, which is what he decided to name her, was alright. When they got to the cafe Saiki realised how expensive it was. "Why are we here. This place is super expensive," Saiki said glaring at Saiko. "Well, this is one of the companies my Father brought and the workers and people here are used to rich and famous people coming in here. I heard and realised that you don't really like attention." Saiko responded trying to avoid Saiki's glare.

Saiko's pov

I was really nervous that he wouldn't like the date but he likes sweet things and this place has really good food. We began walking into the cafe and I talked to the hostess. The lady then lead us to our table and gave us our menus. "So Saiki, do you know what you want to order," I asked after a few minutes of looking over the menu. "They have coffee jelly so that is what I'm ordering. What about you." "I'm getting the *********." I look around the cafe and get the waiter's attention. Once we ordered Saiki spoke up. "You can call me Kusuo." "Really, well you can call me Metori." After that, we began to talk and joke around. We had a great time and after a while, we left the cafe. We began to drive home and we continued our conversation in the car. I walked him to the door and Kusuo surprisingly kissed my cheek and gave me his number.

Saiki's pov

I had a really good time with Metori. He is surprisingly kind and funny. Mom was waiting for me at the door excited and dad was passed out on the floor. I ignored dad and talked to my mom about the date. I can't wait for our next.

648 words.

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