Chapter Twenty-Three

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I don't whether I am hungover or if I am dying. Those are the first thoughts that come of my mind. I feel myself wedged between two grown men who are excessively hot who are making me sweat - and not in the good way. I feel a thick layer of sweat as Roman is on one side and Jack is sprawled on the other. Both men are snoring which is worse than an alarm. Both are laid on their back, stretched out across the bed. Why do men snore on their back? Is it because their balls fall over their arse hole which causes a vapour lock?

I simply slither down to the end of the bed because of the incandescent need to pee. As soon as I feel myself reach the floor, my feet stumble and I fall to the ground. The loud band causes me to wince, while both boys are still sprawled across the bed. I can't bring myself to stand up so I crawl to the en-suite attached to Roman's bedroom. 

I try to recall my memories from last night, hoping that neither boys have ammo against me, knowing that I can't afford to be ripped apart. A part of me wants to hang over the toilet seat and chuck the liver poison that is lingering in my mouth - I haven't been drunk like this since my university days. However, no matter how fruitful my wishes may be, I was cursed with no gag-reflex which meant that there would be no spewing my guts up. 

I quickly brush my teeth, secretly using Roman's toothbrush and washing my face with cold water hoping to arose my senses. I quickly open the bathroom door and I am welcomed by the best thing since sliced bread. Somehow, my exit from the bed has resulted in Roman cuddling up to Jack. The both of them spooning away like a pair of lovers. I can't help but choke on my laughter. It's then that Jack faces Roman still in hazed sleep and nuzzles into his neck, wrapping his arms around his waist. I quickly scout the room for my phone, knowing I can't resist temptation to take a few pictures and stir up some trouble. 

Even though my battery is on ten percent, I know I have enough time to milk this situation. After I have finished taking pictures of the lovers rendezvous. I make my way to Roman and run my fingers through his hair, which only causes him to snuggle closer to Jack. By this point, Jack is breathing heavily on his neck. Roman lets out a small groan. "Stop it babe." 

"Hmmm." Jack replies. 

"If you don't stop breathing into my neck, this spooning is going to turn into some forkin' soon." Roman groans. 

It's then that I can't stop myself and I let out the biggest laugh possible. I chuck myself to the floor, I'm squirming and rolling around on the floor without a care in the world. I didn't care about anything else in world, I had no care in the world if I woke the whole house up. I knew full well that Papa Rey would be joining me. I just hope he made it in time before they woke up. 

Before I knew it, Papa Rey slung open the door, cricket bat in hand, it was like someone was going to rob the place. His gaze swept across the floor, he looked at me with tears in my eyes, a look of concern swiftly graced his face but as I pointed my finger to the bed, it disappeared. He then started searching his pockets and pulled his phone out and started recording with a smirk on his face. 

"Thank you Ree'. Next time my son wants to start on my injury record, we're see what he has to say about this." Papa Rey responded with a chuckle. 

"What's with all the noise Ree'?" Roman moans. 

It's then my heart stopped beating at his words. Why did Roman use my name when he is snuggling into Jack's side. He's not awake, surely he can't be thinking of me. I must be hallucinating. I mean sure we have cuddled, but never have we ever gotten this close to each other. Sure, when we first met, he hit on me, but since then we've been friends. Best friends

I look over at Papa Rey and I can see that his shoulder's are hitched. Surely he didn't hear what Roman said? No I must be imagining things. I quickly shake my head in disbelief, but why would I imagine him saying my name, especially when he mentioned 'forking.'

"Well Boys, are you going to wake up or spend the rest of the morning cuddling? I mean if you need us to leave the room for a bit of privacy, we can? I mean Roman if this is the way you are batting these days, I'm not ashamed. You and Jack make a wonderful couple and the boys love him." Papa Rey loudly started to rant. 

"Dad what are you talking about?" Roman groans. "And could someone turn the lights off?"

"I never thought you were one to get down and dirty in the dark Roman? I always imagined you as the type of person who is a lights on type of guy." I snickered. 

"What are you talking about guys? It's too early for this. My head hurts and my mouth tastes like bad decisions from all the booze we consumed like last." He croaked as Jack was still tucked away in his chest.

"Open your eyes Roman." I quietly whispered out in a seductive and enticing tone. 

I was sat at the end of the bed my arms crossed with my head on top. There was no way I was missing this reaction. It's then that Roman's eyes started to flutter open. His eyes squinting as he looked around the room. He first made eye contact with Ray who had his phone held at him and this his gaze dropped to me as I was perched at the end of the bed. 

It took a few moments but before I knew his gaze snapped to the fluffy blonde hair that had taken refuge in his neck. "OH FUCK NO!" He bellowed out. It was that moment that Jack's head peeked from Roman's neck. 

"Shhhhhhhh." Jack whispered as he chucked himself back at Roman. 

But before he could speak another word, Jack shoved him off and retreated so far back he pushed himself off the bed. Jack didn't say or speak another word all he did was roll over and start starfishing in the bed. It was then that we realised that Jack as was as naked as the day he was born, which only made it funnier for me and Papa Ray. 

The tears were still rolling down my cheeks and I looked at Papa Rey. "Please tell me you got all that on camera?"

Papa Rey smirked. "Of course Darling, I'll make sure to send you a copy." With that he put his phone done and placed it in his pocket and made his way out the room. "Payback's a bitch son and he's called Dad. Don't you forget it."

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